Interview with The Bee Keeper

  • October 2023

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This video is an interview with a beekeeper named Chris who shares his spiritual journey and discusses the relationship between bees, raising frequency, and the ascension process. He highlights the importance of bee products, such as raw honey and bee pollen, in raising vibration, improving health, and accessing higher realms of consciousness. Chris also touches on the significance of honey in relationships with reptilians and the potential for transmutation. Overall, the video covers topics of raising frequency, the spiritual benefits of bee products, and the role of bees in the ascension process.

53 thoughts on “Interview with The Bee Keeper

  1. Wonderful interview. When I was a teenager I worked as a tour guide at The Lost Sea, a cave with the nations largest underground lake in Sweetwater, TN. Spot on about the cool vibes. It was a wonderful experience. It felt very nurturing and womb like. When I’m feeling low vibe to this day, 30 years later, I visit the cave and enjoy going out on the water. Also, love the bee knowledge. I am a beginner with beekeeping but have had a life long fascination with bees.

  2. First; big praise and gratitude to EA for turning us on to this treasure of a resource!!! Not thrilled about the sole digital currency payment option so I asked if I could pay by traditional means and to my surprise, I can! It’s nice to know that we can still use credit/debit to pay for stuff! Yaaay 🤩 🐝

  3. Love this interview! Christopher is amazing! Love his energy! So amazing he discovered all that knowledge of our bees 🐝🥰 I think YouTube deleted his/your video because we now know the antidote to cure the darkness of the controllers and all the low vibers 🤩hahaha! Now only if our chemtrails became bee pollen to wake up the world and make our planet glow with light and love! I always wondered who is driving those planes and where’s their consciousness at 🤔🐝 ✈️🤓

  4. Bee flew in my car at lunch look like it had a messed up wing fell in the side door,couldn’t climb out I had this glass case stuck in the door bee climbed on I put him outside of my car on the ground and he or she walked away

  5. Thank you Christopher & EA! I have bought bee frequencies from the following website that might align with you and the community – Also Anthony William in his first book Medical Medium (in his soul healing meditations and techniques chapter) explain how bee watching is a miraculous meditation. He says … “they emit a healing frequency that can help you heal and restore your physical body, soul, heart and spirit. This is something we can’t fully understand on a rational level, but our cells and our soul understand. When you make yourself aware of the bees and ask your body to tune its channels to their frequency, all of the cells in your body will start to resonate with this healing vibration.”

    Also, in Anthony’s book Life Changing Foods, on pages 254-255 he explains everything about the miracle of honey, including how it helps you emotionally, and it’s spiritual lesson. “Honey is written into our lineage. Who we are – our souls, our DNA- in a sense derives from honey. This means that if we avoid honey, we’re shutting off a part of ourselves that connects all the way back to the beginning of human life.”

    I actually found EA after listening to Anthony William’s podcast on aliens! I have him to thank:)

  6. In May of 2019 I went for “Apitherapy” to a bee keeper in Slovenia.

    7 Days of treatment, where I slept above the beehives. That was incredible, the sound frequency they give off by flapping their little wings during the whole night, to keep themselfs at a certain tempature is so healing.

    In the morning I went for about 30 minutes of inhalating “bee pollen air” directly from their beehive.

    Then I got “Bee venom therapy” where I got bee stings on acupuncture points mainly at my back, near my spine and shoulders and head. About 10 bees a day, in total I got around 80 bee stings that week. I praised every bee for giving their life for me to get better after Lyme disease.

    I’ve been given “Honey massages”, eaten “Bee pollen” and 1 spoon a day of their raw honey.

    I connected telepathically with the “Bee queen” of the hives. I was taking inn as part of their family and species. I felt so welcome.

    I could feel and understand their connection with the Cosmos and their importance for us human beings. Only already to realize yourself that they are a big piece in vertilizing the flowers of the crops we are eating… and that is just one of their many benefits of importance.

    I fel totally in love with their beingness and presence. One day I would love to be a bee keeper in the best way to let them thrive!

      1. î found EA there. when she talked about an space station in the moon, and then she talked about travelling there with the real body like beeing fully materialized into this space station (at least that was how i understood her), so i noted her name. and some weeks later googled her, and now so blessed, to get her informations and this awesome collective.

  7. I loved this. Sleeping on the bees sounds awesome. I have been taking bee supplements for a long time. Both of you explained everything. Learned some things. Elizabeth, please feel free to have Christopher on again. Thank you. Also, I love that the presentation is done from a spiritual perspective.

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