How to Reach Enlightenment Simultaneous Time & 2019 Awakening Report

  • July 2022

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In this video, Elizabeth April discusses enlightenment and the shifts happening in 2019. They talk about topics such as the Mandela Effect, simultaneous time, shifting dimensions, and upgrading DNA. Elizabeth April also shares personal experiences and insights, and invites viewers to try new things and make shifts in their own lives. They also discuss popular culture references related to these topics, such as the new Spiderman movie and an episode of the TV show Black Mirror. Overall, the video explores the concept of time and the potential for personal growth and awakening.

2 thoughts on “How to Reach Enlightenment Simultaneous Time & 2019 Awakening Report

  1. This was from 2019 & here it is 2023 & I come across your video of simultaneous time… this was right after I journaled my dream lastnight of being an observer of having two different dreams at once with the same family members. In one we were at an amusement park, & the other we were at this prison camp….This was the first time I had two dreams at once & realized it… time is crazy 😄🤔😉Thank you EA!

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