December Creators Meditation: Letting go of 2022

  • December 2022

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The video is a guided meditation for letting go of the year 2022. It encourages finding a quiet space, closing the eyes, and focusing on deep breathing. The meditation guides the listener to release thoughts and tensions from different parts of the body. It then prompts reflection on the experiences and emotions of the past year, and encourages letting go of what no longer serves them. The meditation concludes with a focus on aligning the mind, body, and soul for the upcoming year.

7 thoughts on “December Creators Meditation: Letting go of 2022

  1. 2022 was surely an intense experience, dying and rebirth in all meanings of the words. I Am grateful for the experiences of the year, and I AM a better human because I experienced them. “Love and appreciation” is my mantra for 2023. Thank you, EA, for this wonderful meditation. I AM grateful for all you do here on earth for Mother Gaia and the beings that have incarnated at this moment. Bless you and our community. Peace.

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