What is Karma & How is it Manipulated?

  • February 2023

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In this video, Elizabeth April explores the concept of karma, discussing what it is and how it works both on and off planet. They address misconceptions about karma and explain its role as a universal law. Elizabeth April also mentions the manipulation of karma on Earth, particularly in relation to the trauma inflicted on high vibrational individuals. They conclude by discussing the importance of accountability and being aware of ones actions and their effects.

17 thoughts on “What is Karma & How is it Manipulated?

  1. So speeding isn’t bad karma? What about the hundreds of insects killed on the windshield the faster you go? I see that just thinking about it creates a low frequency vibration. I need to think about white light love energy. Great video. Thank you so much.

  2. Thank you EA! How do humans “confront and unlock it (karma) in a specific way? Especially for those in the horrid unfortunate circumstances you mentioned? I’m just curious of the action or thought action to neutralize our karma. I have your book but haven’t had time to read it yet. Perhaps it’s explained in there!

    1. I’m not sure what EA will say but, you can ask Source to help you complete the karmic loop. Set the intention to process it fully. I’ve recently asked for that and I experience a lot of energy coming up. If it’s something too hard or painful for me to feel I’ve asked my Angels, a Higher Master, or Source to help me feel the pain. The pain goes away but while you stay in the moment/energy of it, the energy is still being processed and experienced. Sometimes you have to return to it if it wasn’t fully completed (attention is energy so if we let go of focus it may not process fully). Just my two cents. Hope that helps!

      1. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond Elizabeth, and sorry for the delayed response. This is super helpful and sounds like a beautiful process to know we are supported in this way. I’m so glad you are moving through what you need to, and I very much am going to try this. Thank you again!

  3. This topic is so interesting. It was only just a few days ago I asked the Galactics if I have karma, because you’re kind of led to believe that you must, and it was so funny because they said “Well you can go along gathering up karma if you want, but you don’t have too.” “You’re beyond karma”. So I totally get what you’re saying. I can’t wait for your book. I’d definitely read it now. I think if you push the boundaries of concepts and understanding it will make us think, and ultimately lead to our growth.

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