How to Hack your Life in 3 easy steps
Today, I’m going to be talking all about how to hack your reality in three steps. Now, throughout the awakening process, we all tend to begin to understand what our reality consists of, and if it’s really working for us anymore. Like I mentioned before, awakening is all about waking up and understanding the potential of life all around you. That’s really what hacking your reality is really all about. It’s about waking up, utilizing your free-will, understanding the power of choice, and essentially making choices in every moment so that you can live the life that you want to live.
To begin with, we have to go into the definition of reality. We all need to be on the same page, I will let you know that all of my definitions are my own. You will not find this in the dictionary. That’s okay, because it may not or it may resonate with you. Take everything with a grain of salt.
My definition of reality is all of our thoughts, reactions, actions, memories, and perceptions, which create the way that we interact with life. That is our reality. Our reality is the life around us, and then essentially how we perceive that life around us.
I want to give you a good example, to begin with. I love using this example, probably because I tend to stub my toe quite often. You take a table in a living room, now on its own, that table is just fundamentally the atomic compound that makes up the table in front of you. Without our reality, without perception, the truth of that table is the atomic compound. It is what it is in its atomic state. Now, when we add our perception to it, it creates our reality. My perception of my own living room table is that it’s very painful. The reason why my perception of my table at home is painful is because at least once a week, I will walk by the table, obviously ungrounded, and I will stub my toe on the table.
When I take a look at that table in particular, yes, I see the atomic makeup of the table, I see the physical form in front of me, but then I also feel the pain in my feet from all of the times that I’ve stubbed my toe. The table alone is just a table. The table with our reality includes our perception and our experiences of that table. My reality of the table is, be careful and stay grounded when you’re walking around it. That’s a little introduction into how our perception and essentially how our reality can really change and transform, but also hold us back in life. I always find and I always say that the biggest misconception within this society is the fact that people believe that their reality is the truth, when in fact, the truth is the table without the perception. Our reality is the table with our perception.
Hopefully, that makes sense to all of you.
Now, I want to define reality hacking. Now, we understand that our reality is not only just the life that we see in front of us, but it’s also our perception of that life based on our experiences and of course, the reactions to those experiences of the past.
Another way to think about reality is programming. If you really think about programming, like programming a computer, I really like to think about programming our own mind. The reason why I say that is because I really view and look at our mind as a computer. In a lot of ways, it is. It’s one of the most advanced computers that we have here on this planet.
Our computer is a database full of knowledge, experiences, actions, and reactions. Every time something happens to you in life, that is new, we have a decision to make. We actually have many decisions to make at that moment because we’ve never experienced that thing before. It’s an open outcome. That’s where a lot of fear comes from. It’s that fear of the unknown, where we’re scared to experience new things as humans because our programming has never really dealt with that thing before. It’s the fear of the unknown.
Similarly, if we are faced with making a decision that we have made before, and say we made that decision before and it was a favourable outcome, then our programming will tell us, “Hey, make that decision again, and it will be a really good outcome.”
Say, for example, every time you eat a chocolate bar- I know for myself, every time I eat a chocolate bar, which I love, my programming releases dopamine and serotonin to say, “This is a good thing, you definitely want to eat that chocolate.” Guess what? I will eat that chocolate. What happens is, when we continue to make the same decisions over and over and over again, we fire off the same neural pathways in our brain. We fire off the same electrical currents that we fire off in a computer. The more and more we fire off the same neural pathways, the more ingrained that pathway gets, and the more difficult it is to make decisions that are outside of the decisions that we’ve made in the past. We are programming ourselves based on repetitive habit patterns.
This can be a really positive thing and benefit our lives. Likewise, it can be a really negative thing and not benefit our lives. Because when I’m faced with making the decision of, “Do I want to eat that really beautiful, amazing organic salad?” or “Do I want to eat that dopamine- and serotonin-infused chocolate bar?”, what am I initially going to go for if my programming tells me that I get more joy out of the chocolate? As you can see, not all of the decisions that we make within our reality and our programming are positive ones. That’s okay. It’s okay to make decisions that aren’t benefiting us. But this is why hacking your reality is so important.
Here’s my definition of reality hacking.
My definition of reality hacking is understanding your reality, and essentially changing your reality. That’s really what hacking anything is. Our mind is a computer program, and we can hack that computer program. Why? Why would we want to hack our own mind? Why would we want to hack our own programming? Well, just like I mentioned with the table example and the chocolate bar example, every time I walk by that table, I have a fear-based response that’s going to be painful. That’s not really a great program to have in my mind. Every time I walk around any table, I get a fear-based response because I may stub my toe. Anytime I’m around chocolate, I get an attached response of, “Oh, that’s going to be really good for me,” and it may not be good for me. When we are in our reality, we are so ingrained in our own programming, that we are just on autopilot in every moment, making decisions without being consciously aware of them because it’s just the decision that you’ve made in the past. We tend to always take the easy road out.
I want to give you a next level example of when I started hacking my own reality, and how cool that was. Then, I want to just lay out these three steps in how all of you can hack your own reality and get to that same point of awareness.
When I started to really tap into reality hacking, and reprogramming my own reality, and reprogramming my own mind, and then teaching others about that, I got to this really cool point of being aware of all of the decisions in front of me, as they were moving through me. I want to explain this a little bit.
Say, for example, I would be sitting at my desk, working away, tapping away on my keyboard, and in that moment, I had this thought of, “Oh, I’m thirsty, I could go for a glass of water.” “I’m hungry, I could use a snack,” or, “Oh, I’m feeling some heavy energy, I can burn some sage.” That’s cool. It’s great to kind of be aware of what your body needs at that moment. That’s really, the awareness is half the battle. At that moment, I have these three options in front of me: food, water, sage or, I really have a fourth option, which is doing none of the above or doing something completely different altogether. There’s really an infinite amount of options in front of us, all of us at every moment.
I got to this point, in my own life, where I was so aware of each one of these realities, I would start to split my current reality into multiple different parallel realities, which means that I would be sitting at my desk, not even consciously thinking about the options in front of me. All of a sudden, I would see myself and when I say ‘See,’ it wouldn’t be another version of my physical self, it would be a version of myself, and I guess, in a non-physical way? Anyway, I would see myself with my third eye, get up, get out of my desk, walk over to the fridge, grab a glass of water, come back, and sit down. Likewise, I would see myself get up, burn some sage, smudge myself, and come back to my desk and sit down.
I started to actually tap into all of these different parallel realities and literally see the outcome of different options, and decisions that I would make within every moment of every day. This is the point that everyone could get to within their own reality hacking. Of course, it takes some attunement. Here are the three steps to hacking your reality so that you can live your most ideal and attuned life possible.
Step number one, to hacking your reality. First things first is, be aware of what your current reality consists of. Number one thing in awakening in general is just be aware of yourself. Be aware of your programming. In every single moment, there are two things that are going on. One half of your current reality is your old preprogramming. It is your autopilot response mechanism. The other half of what’s going on is this beautiful divine consciousness, where you are connected to your intuition, where you are connected to your higher self, where you are connected to your human self. In that moment, there is no preprogramming and there is just you at that moment, in the present moment, which is really beautiful. In every single moment, just be aware of what your current reality consists of.
Say, for example, you wake up every morning and you grab yourself a cup of coffee. Before you wake up, I want you to check-in with yourself and ask yourself, “What would I have done in my next step?” Ah, well, my next step of the morning routine is to wake up, brush my teeth, stretch, and grab a cup of coffee. At that moment, overview the next three steps of your life. Then I want you to ask yourself, “Is that really what I want?” That’s actually step number two of hacking your reality. Step number one is just plainly be aware of the options in front of you. Just be aware of everything, of all of the next moves, and all of the moves that you’ve never really taken, that could potentially be the next move.
Step number two, is ask yourself what you want. We just skip over this step of asking ourselves what we want, because we automatically assume in that moment, that the next move of our preprogramming is what we want because it was what we wanted in the past. Does that kind of make sense? So be aware of the options in front of you, be aware of your next moves, and then put yourself into the present moment, and really, truly ask yourself what you want in that moment. Do I really want coffee this morning or could I go for some tea instead? Do I really need to send that email to my boss right now, or should I wait and send it in a different way? Really thinking about your autopilot response mechanism and being present in the moment to ask yourself if there is another option.
The third step in hacking your reality, is making conscious choices in the present moment based on what you want. I’m just going to put this into a full spectrum view. Let’s take the table example. In this moment, I can see this table, this daunting table beside me, and so I’m aware of it. In my reality, in my space right now, there is a possibility that I could get up off of this desk, walk across the room, and stub my toe. I know that is a reality, I know that that is what consists within my reality. I know that that’s what my reality consists of.
Second step to hacking your reality is, asking yourself what you want. In this moment, I do not want to stub my toe and I want to protect my feet. That’s what I really want. I want to have everything in this day really play out as smoothly as possible. That’s what I want today. I want a pain-free day. Okay, great! Then, in this moment, make a conscious choice based on what is or isn’t serving me. In this moment, getting up and walking across the room is serving me, and being present and being aware so that I can keep my distance from the table is also serving me. Making the choice to walk two feet away from the table, rather than walking right beside the table.
Now, although I used silly examples such as coffee and the table,I want to bring it to a much more tangible, much bigger situation. Say, for example, you do step number one of hacking your reality. That is being aware of what your current reality consists of. On a bigger scale, you’re like, “Okay, I’ve got my family. I’ve got my kids. I’ve got my job. I’ve got my friends. I’ve got my hobbies. It’s great! That’s what my reality consists of.” Step number two to hacking and really essentially reprogramming your reality is asking yourself what you want, just in life in general, what do you want? You’re looking at the things you have. You’re saying, “You know what? I want a life that is more stress free. I want a life where I can take off a week and be okay with that. I want a life that’s more financially abundant,” which is great! You’re looking at your life right now, objectively, you’re asking yourself what you want. Then you have to ask yourself if there’s any difference between what your reality consists of and what you want in life. Because if you’re like, I want more freedom, I want less stress, and I want more financial abundance, who doesn’t want all three of those things?
Then you take a look at your current life and you’re like, “Oh, wow. Well, I’m always lacking in finances. I’m always feeling stressed out with work, and because of that, I’m not living as free as possible with my family.” You’re looking at what you have, you’re looking at what you want, and you realize that those two things don’t add up.
That leads us to the third and final step of hacking your reality, which is making conscious choices in the present moment. What is and what isn’t serving you? If you take a look at your job, and you understand that to be the feature of your life that is not serving you, then what are you going to do about it? Are you going to continue to hang on to the job because of your old programming, because in the past, it was better than the job before it, and it gave you what you needed? Or, are you going to choose to make a different decision and say, “You know what, I deserve more. I need more if I want to live the life that I deserve to live”? The worst thing is that all of us convince ourselves, why ask for anything more? Why be greedy? Why push ourselves? This is fine. It’s this convincing ourselves of complacency, that’s the culture we live in, a culture of complacency. And yet, we’re all pushing ourselves to have more, to be more. It creates this anxiety-ridden stress dynamic.
Just know that you deserve something more, and all you have to do is ask for it. But you have to know what you want before you ask for anything and essentially before you change your life. You have to be aware of your current reality. You have to ask yourself what you want. Then you need to take the action steps and make conscious choices in the moment to override the preprogramming. This is how you hack your reality. This is how you live the life that you’ve always wanted to live. That is not up to anyone else. It is not up to your wife. It is not up to your boss. It is not up to your kids. It’s not up to your parents. It is not up to anything or anyone else other than yourself. You are the only one in control of the life that you are living.
I want you all to just stop what you’re doing right now. I want you to take yourself three moves ahead of yourself right now. Maybe you’re driving home from work. Maybe you’re at work. Maybe you’re at home. Maybe it’s the weekend. But stop what you’re doing right now and ask yourself, “What will you be doing three moves from now?” Then, I want you to ask yourself if that really serves you. It’s time for all of us to take our power back to reprogram our own reality and to truly start living the life that we deserve to live.
Keep up the high vibes and keep hacking your reality!