Protect Health by raising vibration?
Can I *actually* protect my health from poisoned water, poisoned air, shedding vaccines, nanoparticles, pesticide-filled food, and processed unhealthful food by "raising my vibration?" can you give specific ways to do this?
Can practicing new beliefs, saying affirmations, thinking positive thoughts, envisioning clean air, food, water, and robust, vibrant health work to create these?
@suecockrell Yes I actually did precisely this, right before i had to take the jab, while every fiber of my body said no. I already did the positive thinking and affirmations. Since day 1 of the plandemic, i was sure never to take a shot. But in the end i was more or less obligated and forced to do it. I raised my vibration with the aid of our beloved EA, for which I'm still enormously grateful. How?
It also includes some 3D advises, from Sharma. She's a real gem! Wishing you success!
Yes raising vibration will greatly improve health and your immune system.doctors diagnosis me with chronic ciatica said I would eventually need surgery as I could barely walk in Excruciating pain always.gabapentins helped alittle and they are a non narcotic,chiropractor helpeda alittle.only some pain relief enough to get a good night sleep.once and awhile I will get Migraines take ibuprofen for that.i other don't like prescription medications.weed now I will smoke some of that lol.12.14 2022 is when I found source. Between ea and frequency meditations back pain is a thing of the more gabepentins
@lighthealer_arkie thank you for this tip. I bought that program but have not listened yet.
I feel like every since a GFL summit maybe a year back and reiterated in another summit several episodes later when I believe it was Bacta who suggested charging water with crystals and intentions for many health purposes. I started practicing this and it worked very miraculously. raw shungite in my water has worked great and even some spare tourmilinated quartz crystals from a broken lily rose bracelet have been amazing for all my ailments and even anxiety and raising vibration. Shake it up and and get it activated say a little prayer or intention and tell it you love it and the magic happens