Alien encounter when my channel is open
When I am opening my mind, I can open channel to nature and cosmos, but when I get alien presence, that connection is master connection and nature or cosmos connection is not allowed and recently I get only alien connections.
I sense when they are near by, I see their energy and connections energy fields. I have been abductec once and couple times they have operated me.
Last time when I sense them, there where also plasmoid specie and some other. It was full of energy and only form was some sort of tall polar.
This is very shortened text. Lots of weird is happening.
One time nature came to my body and startet to walk very slowly.
My question is what the heck is going on, why they are so interested about me?
It's possible when you are an open channel. The beings that ubducted you pick up on it and want to see how you are progressing. When your channel is open like this you can also open portals.
It could definitely be a mix of things. I was planning to post my personal encounter with the greys, but I'm still contemplating. I feel like whether your experience will be positive or negative, will have a lot to do with your state of mind. If you're meditating in a state of fear, then fear you shall receive. If you're channeling entities in a state of arrogance and malice, then tricksters will tell you some truths and some lies, with the potential of hijacking. In other words, your experience with these entities comes down to how you are mentally.
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