Perimenopause or ascension??
I was wondering if the symptoms I am experiencing at my age 49, are related to ascension/ upgrades or if it’s just perimenopause ? Have you ever looked into that ?
@aquariussunmoon Could it be both? Or none. Menopause doesn't occur in Asia, only in Western culture. They think it has to do with high consumption of soya. Yes that plays a significant role. I think it's cultural. Women in Asia are highly respected even at higher age they keep their feminity. In our society they feel not young and attractive anymore. Superfluous. Resulting in physical "complaints", merely the body trying to compensate the trauma. But that is only programming. Break the matrix and you will see the symptoms disappear.
Um. Ok. I’m not saying I’m in pain. The ear ringing, hyper sensitivity to sounds and light, ungroundedness . Some of us in the community may not be as far along in our journey as others. Although I appreciate your suggestion to break out of the matrix , I would like to have a reply by someone who may actually have some practical insight instead of judgement.
I am currently 64 yrs old. I started menopause at age 47, just around the time full awakening began. The ear ringing has never stopped to date. I didn't experience typical menopause symptoms because I had already learned how to turn off menstrual cycle symptoms. Understanding why you experience certain body changes can help your subconscious to nullify the symptoms ie: when I would get cranky each month, I merely reminded myself that it wasn't me, just my body. Without much effort, symptoms just went away . The ear ringing is different as I have learned that I'm hearing energy around me. I have been able to see energy for most of my life and still do. My suggestion would be to get a simple blood test to see if your estrogen levels are decreasing. Regardless of the results, use your mind to erase any negative symptoms that you are uncomfortable with. My abilities amplified a great deal during menopause. Please think hard before you let any doctor prescribe hormone replacements. There are several natural ways to ensure a smooth transition. Menopause was my favorite personal event EVER!
@aquariussunmoon I have been experiencing perimenopause symptoms for a few years and it’s funny how so many of the symptoms are also described by EA as ascension symptoms, Thank you for your question, I am also interested to know more about this. 🙏❤️
@fayedollar omg! Ok thank you! That’s very helpful . Maybe our transition into crone means amplifying our energies , maybe it’s just mislabeled. Thank you for your amazing insights and response.
I think it depends on the person. Some of these can be symptoms of Epstein Barr virus. Anthony William (Medical Medium) says that menopause symptoms are really viral symptoms, and that menopause didn't used to be a big deal. Personally, I've had light sensitivity in the past, but not anymore. I can be sensitive to smells, more at some times than others, so I think that's hormone related. I don't normally feel ungrounded but I've had a bit of that at times lately. I put it down to the intense energies coming in. I use progesterone cream to help balance things out - without it I have quite big fluctuations in energy and sensory sensitivity, and feel really wired and/or irritated at times, for no actual reason. I'm 46 and I've had some of these symptoms going back to around 2011
@merryn-bayliss Thank you for sharing your experience and insights. It’s fascinating how individual experiences with health and hormones can vary so much. 🙏