Christ Consciousness
The common belief is that Christ is coming back as a consciousness. I'm curious about the "anti-Christ" - is there such a thing? It is a person or a consciousness?
@quinn My humble perspective. I see Christ consciousness as the Divine expression of unity conscoussness. A single shared conscoussness as a collective of Christed souls in alignment with the light or Divine Source. With Source being both light and dark, there is an opposite polarity to everything. During an ascension I believe the light outshines the dark allowing us to find our way back to Source and unity conscoussness. The negative energies have their own resonance but still just Source. Luciferian/ Draconian unity consciousness is a self serving commitment to individual self serving outcomes. Regardless of how negatively it may affect another. Christ Conscoussness is all about service to others. Loving and in unity with each other with the ultimate awareness that we are all one as Source. The way I see it. To each their own. 🙂 🙏 ❤️ 💡
@nickq1233 out of nowhere 😉 this morning the question of what I considered Christ consciousness to be came to me (in relation to recurring dreams I have where I am confronting negative entities and resort to Christ and Christian prayers as protection) and I thought to myself almost the same thing you have typed! I opened up my email to read one of my morning readings before prayer and meditation and the email with your writing was the first thing I saw!
perhaps this should be the focus of my meditation today…
thank you for this 🙏 I hope you have a beautiful day ❤️
@nickq1233 Thank you - so interesting. Appreciate your insight! 😇