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School Threats

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Hi all, I come to you with hopes of being enlighten by people offering different perspectives, any advice or insight on similar situations that would help me with navigating helping my children and myself not to live in fear. 
    Unfortunately School Sh**tings and threats are a huge issue for my state. A devastating one happened about 12 years ago a few towns over. Which many children and teachers lost their lives. The uptick in the threats since the beginning of this school year is insane! So many schools on lockdowns and delays and closings, arrests but it’s continuing!
    My heart breaks for our children, the fear based around Covid, then this which neither we have had any control over is terrifying. We openly talk about them with our children so they can share all their emotions and go over protocols the school have in place so they feel somewhat empowered but they don’t and I don’t but I feel if I pull them and homeschool them, I am doing it out of fear. Not for pure intent on giving them a homeschool experience. (I lack confidence in this, I’m not even good with them with homework) but I feel if I do it out of fear then the dark is winning because I’m reacting out of fear. But I also don’t want to be stubborn and not do it for that reason, surrendering to letting my fear win. 
My children are involved in sports through school and student council and multiple clubs. They love the social piece especially since we lost the social piece during all the restrictions of Covid. I even held my oldest back this year because she was so far behind. (Very tough in Middle School on multiple levels)
 But I know the fear is affecting them. As tonight it is really affecting me. My oldest had a nightmare 2 weeks ago about it. And my middle literally developed ocd from Covid showering 2-3 times a day and wouldn’t give up the mask and lost her pep and eye contact talking to people hiding behind a mask and keeping distance, it has been a road of recovery for that. I don’t want to take another 2 steps back but I never wanna lose my babies. I just don’t know. 
I know I’m not alone, we are all in this together. But I have been doing so good with living in the moment and enjoying everyday, teaching them guiding them what to do in situations I started letting up a little of my over protective reigns. This shadow of fear is heavy, I don’t want to surrender but I also don’t want to put my children in harms way with none of us having any control over it. 
Any advice or tips talking to them and helping us all navigate through this would be greatly appreciated. I have never mediated (just learning) or asked for guidance in such a big way to my guides before (haven’t yet started a dialogue) they come to me & other spirits come to me for others all on their own. But I’m going to really try tonight! Wish me luck!😉

If anyone picks up on anything with me or for me please let me know. I haven’t felt this way since all the activity in my house last year both light & dark. Which the safety of my kids weighs so heavy I don’t want to lower my frequency with fear to let anything else in on top of it. 😫

if anything this was a great outlet but so welcome to anything anyone has to offer. 
Thanks so much! 🩷✨

Posted : 19/09/2024 9:28 pm