NEVER Self Terminat...
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NEVER Self Terminate!!!!!

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Michael in NH
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TLDR:  IF you do, you'll instantly create a much worse situation for yourself upon your next incarnation cycle.  

From Cosmic Awareness Communications (CAC) 2-12-76:  "Concerning Suicide"

page 2) the soul passing over from an action of suicide does suffer a great agony,relating to the motive and desired reason for the suicide. Wherein entities feel their suicide would cause others to suffer for having mistreated them, they instead will suffer most greatly from having done this. When entities commit suicide in order to avoid pain, that action may relieve the physical suffering,yet on the other side the entity may find themselves longing and hungering to move back into the physical form in order to finish working out certain karmic needs... Committing suicide may eradicate the organ which senses pain, but entities will eventually return to the earth plane and experience pain again until they learn that they are the creators of their own pain. If you commit suicide for a motive relating to the service of another, eliminating yourself to help the other find happiness, this sacrifice of self for others is a somewhat more noble motive yet is nonetheless futile in many ways. The attitude one has in terms of his sacrifice is what determines the karmic results. If you throw yourself spontaneously on a hand grenade in order to save others, this is not a selfish motive...but if you are going to sacrifice yourself for a cause and believe you will be rewarded in heaven, you will find disappointment in the afterlife, for a reward will not come from that sacrifice.


From CAC 2005-05:  "Concerning Suicide"

page 14-15) (Where Does Chronic Pain Come From?) any kind of suicide carries karma. The least karma from a suicide is when an entity attempts to save another and loses his/her own life, such as an entity who pounces on a hand-grenade to keep it from exploding and killing others. The desire to escape chronic pain is not a true action of a martyr or person of great courage or integrity. It is simply an act of escape. There are other ways to diminish pain and there is much to be learned from the experience of pain. Going into the pain, accepting the pain, or working around the pain, can give entities enormous areas of discovery. It is true that pain can almost drive a person to suicide or to madness. In some cases, an entity appears to have no way out other than suicide. There is often a way out of the pain, but the entity does not see it, and the entity succumbs to suicide, then the entity will never see the way out of the pain. The entity should try everything else short of suicide before even considering the thought of suicide...What and where is the chronic pain? It is not as though it is simply a disease of a particular nature. It can be chronic pain from cancer, or from misalignment of a never in the spine, or elsewhere, or from some psychological disorder, or physiological or cellular disorder, where nerves are causing pain. How can one determine whether it is psychological or physical or from a past life, without knowing precisely whose pain, what pain, and its particular specific nature?...Not all chronic pain is the same for every entity.

Posted : 21/08/2024 7:47 am
Lyn reacted
Joshua Bortnick
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The Cabal are Suiciding out like lemmings over a Cliff.  Something to do with Fear taking over their Reason.  

Posted : 21/08/2024 9:27 am
Lyn and Michael in NH reacted
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Hmm i react to the stern and a lil fearful wibe of the text? Maybe it is not a good idea, to tell people, who might be very tierd and in a bad situation, that what they might think of as their only safe way out, will create more suffering for them. That might not be the most highvibe thing to hear just then. 🙂


If you take your life, because you felt like this life that you had planned for yourself was just too hard, there will still be only love and compassion on the other side. BUT the life lessons that you had planned for yourself, you will still have to plan into some other life sometime.. so you can not skip them. Becasue your soul = you, on a higher level you always want to keep learing and develop.

Thinking like this you realise that since you have allready come this far, and you have gone through all that suffering allready, quite possably so much suffering is behind you allready, so a very litle is left.. you might as well try to complete the lesson right?

So yeah, "dont kill yourself, you will just have to start over.. " might be a better way to put it? 


Also know that whatever happens, it is YOU yourself who planned it all.. so you also planned exactly how you are going to make it through, and you have added everything you might need to this life, and all the help and support you need. There are so many guides and Angels around you wanting to help you and helping you. It will work out. 🙂 


As for the other people in your life, who you have included in your plan.. and if you kill yourself you will affect their plans.. that is true. But we change our plans all the time, we write and rewrite our life contracts all the time even if nobody kills temselfes, just because we ourselfes might feel we need a bit of a break, or we feel like we want to take on more lessons cause its going so well.. etc etc. You killing yourself would still affect mostly you.. there might be some extra karma but not tonns. Nothing to feel extra trapped and horrofied about anyway. 🙂 


But i agree with a lot of this, i mean seriosuly do not kill yourself, it will all work out like you yourself planned in the end 🙂

Posted : 21/08/2024 9:44 am
Lyn reacted
Michael in NH
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@heidifihlmangmail-com-2-2-2 I like the 4 smiley faces! 😆 LOL  

Yes, you do plan out certain things to happen in your life, however, you are not a helpless victim to circumstance.  You DO have free will, and CAN make changes while you are here as you see fit.  Some of these changes can go against your pre-arranged "plans". 

Not scare tactics, but I believe people should have full information before making such impactful life decisions.  It's not just that you will "start over", but the road you will have the 2nd time around will be MUCH MUCH harder than the road you are currently on. 

I have heard same things from those who have experienced "NDEs" (near death experiences).  That if they chose NOT to go back (it's hard to want to go back when you see what's on the other side) they are presented with what their next life will be, and it's invariable a LOT more difficult! 

Good intel to know!

Posted : 21/08/2024 11:02 am
Heidi reacted
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@michael-in-nh I agree!

Posted : 22/08/2024 5:45 pm