Finding my roots/species
Hi, I am currently uncovering my universal roots. Memories of a world far away come to me like flashes one by one. It's amazing. The world I lived in, was a very colorful one, people had wings, they lived very close to nature, for example in small holes in the trees. We where also very small compared to humans. The mythical beings that they come the closest to are elves, I guess.
That world exists in a higher dimension, people where very aware of themselves and the universe. To manifest reality together they sang. Singing was our way of communicating, it replaced a political system and it was a conscious creation of the frequency we were in as one. I really loved that world. I did not yet got the information why I left or if this world still exists and where. I also don't know that much about this species. I never heard anyone talking about them, even though I feel like there are more people, that know about them.
So, if anyone is reading this and got reminded or get other information about this, I'd be so happy to connect 🤗
@evamartens0096 Maybe an elemental incarnation? Like a past life as an elemental being? Elementals are like fairies, elf’s, unicorns etc. I don’t know a whole lot about the elementals, maybe someone else does. My understanding is they live here on earth in a different dimension. I have no clue which dimension. I bet there’s an expert on the elemental topic in the forum.
@evamartens0096 Hey Eva. I was just thinking about this and wanted to post. You may be remembering an elemental incarnation on Earth or somewhere else. But remember you’ve probably been on earth for a while reincarnating. You could be remembering a past elemental life but you may still have a different galactic origin. Like for example, you could be an arcturian starseed that came to Earth a while ago and have been here for 10 lifetimes or something like that. Don’t get stuck in trying to identify one past incarnation. You could have so many more and in many different galactic systems before earth. It’s a rabbit whole I know but it’s empowering once you start unpacking all of your origin history.
Hi Nick, thank you so much for your comments on this topic. After your first comment I spent some time researching information about the elementals, the feary realm and so on. I did not yet felt any strong resonance to the content. I guess, I'll just have to keep up the open mind and allow the information to come to me in divine timing, instead of searching for it.
About your second message: I actually do resonate with the concept of being a new human. It may be, but I feel more that this is my first incarnation on planet earth, or at least in this realm. But yah, still many question marks here 🤔
@evamartens0096 I hear that. Follow your gut on that for sure. Have you looked into getting a starseed origin reading done? It may speed up that discovery process. It’s pretty cool. Usually you’ll find out some information about your guides and you’ll get your galactic family identified. That’s a start but I feel you on whether the timing is right or not. We tend to get ahead of what our minds and bodies can take sometimes. I had to throttle back a couple of times during my discovery effort. I’d get some information then it would take me some time to digest it fully before I was ready for more. You’re on the right forum though. Pretty much everyone here is going through the same thing in different stages.
Totally agree. It's the same with me, being so eager to receive more information and then afterwards being overwhelmed by it and struggle finding my way back into daily life and routines 😀 that's also the reason why I don't do a regression yet. I allow to come what wants to unfold and everything else, I guess I'll train patience (or ask in the forum 🤣)
@evamartens0096 I think you hit it right on the head. We can only progress as much as we can ground. We have to be able to keep one foot on Earth working in our daily jobs and taking care of our responsibilities and one foot in the esoteric realm working on our ascension activations and enlightenment. I had to take a leave from work when I got visited the first time. I went and saw a psychiatrist and everything. I really thought I was going crazy at first. After a while it keeps happening and you realize that this is actually happening for real. It's a drastic paradigm shift for our brains. Sounds like you have a good grip on timing and flowing with what your guides give you.
thank you @Nick ! I kinda needed that message. Its a big confirmation in my current situation 😌
@nickq1233 Hey Nick, I just had to come back to this. I was reflecting on it so much these past couple of weeks. It feels like the truth really wants to come through, as if one of my guides is my past galactic self and really wants to introduce her/himself. It's intresting how I first didn't resonate, but the feeling changed. Now I'm actually thinking, yes, this was an elemental past live on earth. Some days ago I was able to see the face of that elemntal being I was in another life time. I had dark skin, big eyes with hudge pupils, blueish-bright iris that would acutally glow in the dark, tiny nose, insectlike wings, my legs where gorwn over by some kind of dosh and I had the size of a big mantis, other than that I looked very humanoid. That was intresting. Nowadays I feel this strong draw to the yahyel. I'm excited to find out more about my connection to them. I'll continue to share, just in case, this will help or inspire anyone else 🙂
@evamartens0096 That’s awesome that you were able to get more clarity on your past life. Yeah, what you’re describing seems really similar to an elemental. Doesn’t have to be an Earth elemental necessarily. I’m sure there are elementals on other worlds too. Any world made up of Air, Earth, Fire, Water. Your guides are always the best place to verify that. If you get a starseed origin reading done they’ll probably confirm that as well if you want correlating confirmation. I had one done a while back and found out that I had an incarnation as an elemental at one point. I guess I was an Elfin.
If I remember correctly the Yahyel are an ET race. Somehow affiliated with Vega in the Lyra star system. If you're like me you have an elemental incarnation but also have a starseed origin race. For example, my galactic origin is Lyran, Alpha Centauri is my last ET incarnation and where my galactic family is from and my elemental incarnation was after I came to Earth. You may have several incarnations that you’re picking up on. You could be receiving messages from your galactic family and remembering past incarnations like as an elemental. You can have elemental guides too. I know it’s super confusing.
It truly is 😅 may I ask who gave you the origin reading?
@evamartens0096 Hey Eva. I got my starseed origin reading done by a person named Lily Nova. She has a Youtube channel and all that. Although, knowing what I know now I would go to Federica Calandra @f-calandra. I've heard so many great things about Federica's abilities as it relates to understanding your Starseed origin and identifying your guides. She is part of the Accelerated Healing group that @patricekrysztofiak and @scolere06 are part of. I think they may have changed the name to Cosmic Awakening. They are a group of EA forum members with different abilities. Patrice helped me out a lot with blockages and Bret @scolere06 has helped a ton with grounding. From what I understand Federica is awesome at Starseed origins and identification of your guides. I really want to participate in her next group session but her time slots have been during my work hours 🙁
@rainyangel616 Hey. I'll have to explain some things in a little more detail to give you that answer, lol. I'll try not to create a huge, long post in response. It was a process to find out the information I understand today. I wish I could have just accepted and understood the information right off the bat directly from the source. My first contact experience wasn't smooth. I freaked out and threw my pillow at her not knowing what was going on. The second time it happened in my back yard I ran away. It kept happening every couple of weeks for very short periods of time. I thought my house was haunted or that I was going crazy. You can imagine how I was acting. I had no context for what they were trying to tell me because I didn't know anything about what they were telling me. Hopefully that makes sense. At first, they told me about Source, the ascension and that the Earth had several dimensions of reality or a "matrix system" and there was an event that was going to happen in my lifetime that would liberate the people of Earth. They told me that I had family that I wasn't aware of. Without knowing anything about the ascension, I went to a psychiatrist and thought I was experiencing a mental health crisis. I took a leave from work. Roughly 6 months after my first visit I started coming around to the idea that what they told me and what I was seeing could actually be true. I was able to look up some of the information online and found some validation. I bought an infrared night vision device, FLIR and equipment to prove to myself that something was really happening. Around this time is when I started seeing UFO's and Obs everywhere. I kept receiving internal dialogue to start meditating. I didn't know what mediation was so it took me some time to become proficient. The weird thing was that I was coached through it. I don't know if it was my higher self, my guides or ET but something literally coached me on how to mediate while I learned to do it. I received much more detailed messages once I learned how to still my mind. I was being urged to go outside at night and look up in the sky to see their ships. I got into the routine of going outside nightly to record them. Thats when I started learning about the Hermetic principles and was introduced to the Esoteric. The messages that I was receiving became clearer as I progressed. I was told that I was from a planet called Selo and that there is a community in Agartha that has an element of my galactic family there. I didn't know where Selo was in the cosmos. After I started to get a grip on what was happening and started to accept the information, I had a starseed origin reading done to try to fill in the blanks. This is like 8 months after I first started receiving contact. Lily, the person that performed my starseed origin reading was the person that really gave me the confidence to buy into everything fully. She knew Leora's name which gave me chills since I didn't tell her that I had experienced ET contact with someone named Leora. She relayed messages from Leora specifically and even touched on me freaking out and throwing something at her at our first encounter. Leora has a sense of humor. I found out that I was of a Lyan origin which most of us are. It was also then that I learned that I had a previous incarnation as an elemental being on Earth. Lily also gave me information about Lemuria and Atlantis and my incarnations on Earth, although limited. I don't know much about my past lives here. Lily gave me a full run down of where Alpha Centauri was and what planet Selo was and really helped me understand things. She also educated me on what Agartha was and told me that Leora was from Telos as well as Selo. After I got this information, it still took me another 4 months to get to a point where I gained enough knowledge to put it all together. I still didn't grasp everything fully until I got my blockages cleared and started reaching out to healers to help me activate my third eye, chakras, kundalini, dna, telepathy, clairvoyance etc. I'm still learning and don't have it all figured out. I have a much better relationship with my Et family now and converse regularly although mostly in meditation through telepathy. It's almost like they showed up in person so much at first to wake me up in a hurry. I was going through a bad time in my life too so maybe that played into the timing. I had to go through that trauma at first to wake up as fast as I did. Although even with them showing themselves it still took quite a while for me to wake up fully. Only after going though all that, am I confident in saying that I am a starseed from Alpha Centuari from a planet called Selo with Lyran origins. It's a lot and hopefully I didn't get too long winded in trying to explain the process I went through. It's been more of a journey.
Posted by: @angie-sue@nickq1233 oh and thanks, I subscribed to Lily Nova starseed . Great stuff!
Cool, yeah she’s good peeps. She does a Sunday live group activation every week and a starseed chat podcast on Wednesdays. She’s the person that I made my first contact story video for. I posted it in the forum a while back. She has a collection of contact story videos from the contactees that she’s helped. She’s a contactee as well and her specialty is helping contactees.
@nickq1233 wooooooow... this absolutely blows my mind 🤯 thank you so much for sharing
Actually I know Federica, for I am also a proud part of Cosmic Awakening 😊 I didn't know that she does this so THANK YOU!! I'll totally ask her to do a reading for me.
This really helped 🤗