Food Freedom

Food Freedom

Welcome back to another blog with yours truly, Elizabeth April. Let’s approach the topic of food. I love food, but I used to hate food. With so many Starseeds and old souls, I know that food has been a battle. It’s been an unnecessary battle. I want to talk about this for so many reasons. Ultimately, I believe that based on my own journey, channeling exploration, and work with clients that we all absolutely deserve food freedom. 

Let me start by discussing where I’ve been in the past with food. I’ve struggled a lot. I did not struggle to the extent where I was ever bulimic, anorexic, or had any eating disorder. My heart goes out to all of you who have experienced that or have someone in the family who has. We’re going to get into that later. I remember telling my parents around the age of 13 or 14 years old that I didn’t have to eat. That’s what I told them. I said, “I just want to let you know that I’m going to start this thing where I don’t eat. I believe that I can get all of my nutrients from the air that I breathe and the sun by gazing into it.” Now, of course, I didn’t know that there was such a thing back then as a breatharian – basically people who exist off of their breath and sun gazing. I also didn’t realize at that age that I had a whole past lifetime, where I experienced being a breatharian and was a monk. It was really incredible. Intrinsically deep down, I knew that I was able to do this. Of course, my parents were concerned. Their teenage daughter was at this ripe age of creating an identity, and she did not want to eat. In actuality, that lasted no time at all. That was a passing thought that got shut down pretty quickly, which is fine. I think I was just tuning in and expressing myself at that time. Now, I realize where it was coming from. 

On top of that, I always had resistance to food, which is funny. When I was a baby, I would literally eat all of my brother’s food. My brother was this little ginger-haired, stick figure as a baby. My parents always laugh, saying that I was the rolliest-polliest baby that they’d ever seen. I had rolls on my arms and legs as a kid because I would just eat everything in sight, which is really hilarious. As a kid and even up until adulthood, I would hoard my food. I would take extra food, and my parents would find dishes, plates and cookies stored away. My dad tells me that I put food in a vent. I think my mom had the same issue. That came from a lifetime where she was starving. She had to hoard her food in that lifetime, so she did that as a kid. She didn’t teach me how to do that. That was something that I just did as well. 

Now, thinking about it, I remember having a whole candy cupboard of candy just stored away. When my friends came over, I would dole out candy. As far as eating the food on my plate, I don’t know if I took too much or if I just didn’t want to eat that much, but I always ate half the portion of anyone else. Now, granted, I am a smaller human. I’m like 5’1.5” and maybe 100 pounds, but I would always eat less than my plate and always leave food on my plate. I was notorious for saying, “Oh, put it in a container. I’ll eat it later.” Of course, I never ate it later. 

A couple of months ago, my family came to visit me on this property in Canada. They were amazed. Just the other day my mom and my stepdad were like, “Wow, look at you go.” They were like, “You ate all of the food on your plate.” I’m like, “Oh, yeah, I guess I did.” They are genuinely shocked that I did that. They said, “What is it? Are you taking smaller portions?” I said to them, “No, I’ve turned my resentment or resistance towards food around. I no longer have a resistance. I’ve changed the energy of it, especially since I started cooking and having a partner that I cook for.” In the past couple of years since being with Nat, I have completely transformed my resentment to food.

From what I’ve channeled, from many clients, my own experiences, and as a Starseed, I have come to understand that we are a soul that comes from other planets, other dimensions, and definitely other bodies. Basically, we’re not used to eating. I know for myself as a Grey being, I’m used to putting this darker green paste on my skin and allowing my skin to absorb the nutrients that it needs. I remember being 18, 19, 20 years old and having such resentment toward having to eat all the time throughout the day. 

Now, I have an intermittent fasting diet. It’s usually 1 or 2 PM before I eat any food at all. And that’s just how I work, and it feels what’s right for my body. Of course, I probably snack way too much at night and eat unhealthy foods. My body will definitely punish me for that. I listen to my body. In my mind, I had such a resistance to eating. I thought it was so inefficient to not only have to eat multiple times a day but then to excrete the waste of the food. I felt like our bodies can’t even process all the food and liquid that we take in. Sometimes in my Grey mind, especially when I am too Grey in this body, I had such resentment towards the whole process of eating. I know that a lot of other Starseeds have issues. I know a ton of Starseeds who are bulimic, anorexic, and have a variety of eating disorders. Of course, it doesn’t help that society tells us we need to be skinny in order to look good. The body shaming that we have in society is awful.

Right now, the pendulum of what is healthy and what a normal body looks like is swinging over to an unhealthy extreme, especially in the western world. Europe is becoming part of this unhealthy cycle with fast food restaurants, processed foods, and overeating. So many of us are so ashamed of our bodies. Some of us struggle with the idea that we’re just shitty people because we don’t look like the models in the magazines. Our habits are often swinging society to the other side with obesity becoming the number one killer. It is going to be a huge issue later on. In reaction, I believe that we’re going to swing the pendulum back to the side of a healthier perspective. “Let’s all just be healthy and have no construct of what a normal regular or beautiful body should look like. Everyone is beautiful, no matter the skin color, no matter the age, no matter the shape. We need to get there. However, we’re really stretching it out to both ends of the extreme scale before we come to a place of what feels right and is healthy to you, is right for you. I think that’s really important.

That’s body image though. Body image aside, a lot of Starseeds struggle with food. You may abuse food by not taking it, not eating as much as you should, or you abuse food on the side of eating way too much of it because there is shame and guilt. I also know a couple of Starseeds who are so interdimensional and galactic and not used to food that they overeat food because it’s so delicious and good. They’re not used to this sensation. It’s like a drug. Food is and has been referenced to being very similar to a drug for quite some time. It’s so yummy, so flavorful, and so stimulating that I know some Starseeds who overuse food in that way as well.

I know some Starseeds and old souls who try to over control what they eat too much. No matter what end of the scale that you sit on, it’s all detrimental. It all sucks. We don’t want to be slaves to food on any end of the spectrum. It’s sad. These days with diet culture, veganism, and keto, there are so many ways to limit how you eat. I understand that some of these are medical issues such as gluten intolerance and food allergies. There are so many different ways to work with food these days, that the control around food is at a peak point. It’s getting wild out there. 

I was vegetarian, vegan, and plant based, I don’t even know what to call it because it was an intuitive diet but without the meat. I know that my body really flourished with that diet. I also know that I was very ungrounded, and I was very not in my body. I was very not human. I wasn’t really enjoying a lot. I was just working, channeling, downloading, and being a messenger more than a human with that diet. I’ve explored that. I also realized too, as bad as it sounds, that my body does really thrive and flourish with fish. I know we have a huge fishing industry issue. Huge issues with raising cows and the methane they produce. Just meat production, in general, is an issue. We could look at things like palm oil and palm trees. We can look at other aspects of deforestation and destruction.These are all issues as well. 

I just want to mention that we’re not going to go into any of the environmental issues associated with food. I do want to recognize that this world is pretty fucked up. I really want to recognize that. For now, for the sake of this blog, we’re really just talking about food freedom.

I came to California, and I am in a new relationship and partnership. I still loved cooking as a vegetarian vegan. My partner, Nat, has a huge allergy to soy. She had problems with any soy product and basically most fake meat is totally soy based. She would have major issues every time. That’s not the reason why I started eating meat again. As a matter of fact, I started having bizarre dreams of a really beautiful juicy steak or eating a burger. It was actually a lot of red meat. I don’t know if I was iron deficient. I was taking all the appropriate B12s and the different multivitamins, but I started dreaming of meat. When we were in Greece in late 2019, I started eating meat again. I guess it was probably between 2015 to 2019 when I stopped eating meat altogether. Then, I started having these dreams of eating meat. I was like, “This is bizarre,” but I still didn’t want to eat it. Then while in Greece, I wanted to eat gyros, so I did. It was freaking delicious, and that’s what started my meat eating.

I promised myself two things. One, as I went back to eating meat, I wanted to really thank every animal that I consumed and every fish that I consumed. I was already doing that with the vegetables that I was consuming. I was thanking the tomatoes. I was thanking the spinach. I was thanking even the nuts that I was eating, cashews or almonds. That was really important to me to do that. Then moving forward, I was thanking the meat. It was really cool because I’m such a visual clairvoyant person. I was able to say eat a hamburger or eat a chicken nugget and go back to actually observe the lifetime of that chicken or the lifetime of that cow to the point where they passed away. I would go back in time, and thank them while they were around. I would say, “Thank you for your service. Thank you for choosing to incarnate into that incarnation to give me the nutrients that my body needs at this time.” 

I truly believe that when we do that, we can actually absorb way more nutrients in the food. When we recognize the same thing with animals, fruits, and vegetables, we appreciate their service in taking an exit point in choosing to incarnate into that solitary thing and that momentary life to serve us. Their life is not in vain when we do that.

If we’re going to do it, recognize it. Don’t feel shameful for it. I felt so shameful for going back to eating meat. I felt it mostly because of vegans and that kind of pressure that even the spiritual communities put on us for feeling shameful about eating those kinds of things. Now, I talk openly about it, and it’s important because we can’t hide away and feel shameful because we’re actually bringing shame to our food. We are eating that shame. That’s the worst thing that we could really do when eating food. We have to be very cognizant and aware of our vibration at the time when we’re eating. 

For me, preparing the food, working with the food, speaking telepathically to the food, thanking the food, even presenting the food in a very artistic and creative way makes me feel so much joy. It’s funny because my wife doesn’t really feel the same. I cook for her, but she doesn’t really appreciate food the way that I do. It’s really just for me. I’m not showing off; I’m not posting it to Instagram. I’m just cooking and eating and presenting for my own pleasure. I enjoy the way that it’s presented, the colors that are in it, the smells, the garlic, and the onions. I mean everything just really goes into the experience of sharing time with food. 

Food freedom is all about eating what your body tells you it needs. In order to eat what your body tells you it needs, what do we have to do? We have to listen to our body. There’s no other way around it. When you start dreaming of carrots, a hamburger, or whatever it may be, listen to your body and listen to those dreams. Understand that you don’t need to have a diet. You don’t need to choose that you’re going to be one way or the other. Maybe for a week or a month, you’re full vegan and that feels right to you. I love being able to order vegan food from amazing vegan restaurants all over Los Angeles. I love making all-vegetarian food for a night and having this beautiful salad. I love switching it up. I love not being confined or limited to just one way of eating. 

I had this farm delivery service giving me boxes of food, raw vegetables, and things. One time he delivered this box, and I was talking to him. He’s like, “Well, yeah, I don’t know if you eat meat or anything. But I also have a grass-fed, more holistic, proper way of accessing meat.” I’m like, “Oh, yeah, I have an intuitive diet.” He’s like, “What? What’s an intuitive diet?” I said, “Oh, I just eat what I feel my body needs me to eat.” He says, “Oh, I’ve never heard that before.” I thought about it and shared, “Yeah, I guess this isn’t really a thing.” Recently in some Instagram posts and things like that, I’ve been seeing more and more talk of this. I think other people are also calling it an intuitive diet. That’s not something I picked up on. That’s just something I call it, which is eating what your body needs you to eat. 

One week, I don’t even like honey, but I felt this urge to buy honeycomb, believe it or not. Not just honey but honeycomb. I was consuming not just the honey but the wax as well. It was just bizarre. I consumed a pound of honeycomb in a week. I took a spoon, and I had the honeycomb at my desk. I was just spooning honeycomb into my mouth during the day. It was the weirdest thing ever. I ate it for that week, but I didn’t touch it again. 

Same thing, one week, I was just eating peanut butter. I don’t like peanut butter, and I never have liked peanut butter. Just scooping peanut butter into my mouth. Also obsessed with drinking grape juice at the same time. And someone was laughing saying, “Oh, you’re just consuming a peanut butter and jam sandwich, right?” 

Super interesting. Really just listen to where your body is at. Last night, I made this most amazing garlic bok choy. I’ve never made bok choy in my life. I actually didn’t even think that the grocery store in my small ass town in Canada would even sell bok choy. But I had this obsession with buying bok choy, and my wife loved it last night. She’s like, “This is amazing, babe.” For whatever reason, I was able to steam it and fry it in the right way because it was just soft and just crunchy enough that it was so freaking delicious. I’m for sure going to buy it again. I’m for sure going to make it again. I might make it tonight. I’m just so obsessed. You just have to listen and have food freedom.

For those of you who are struggling to eat, be present with your food, smell your food, cook your food, prepare your food, and ask your body what food it needs. Maybe you’re feeling these societal pressures, and it’s all too much, so you shy away from it completely. Stop doing that, stop punishing your body for the resistance that you have because I know where you’re at. For those of you who are overeating, you’re overeating because you’re not giving your body the right kinds of food. You’re falling back into old programming of opening that bag of chips or eating that chocolate bar.

The rule of thumb when I go grocery shopping is if you don’t buy it, you don’t eat it. Just kind of moderating what you buy and having a whole grocery order where you buy no snacks, no chips. If you do, maybe it’s a healthy rice cracker or something. Something that’s more beneficial. I love, as a snack, apples and oranges. Oh, my goodness, they’re so naturally sweet. They give you this natural pep and that makes it a great snack. Or carrots and hummus, man, love it. It’s my go-to. Just be cognizant of what’s in your shopping cart. How many greens do you have in your shopping cart? How much fresh food do you have in your shopping cart? How much frozen, processed food do you have in your grocery cart? Just be aware of that. Practice asking your body before you go grocery shopping, what do you need this week? That’s what I always ask my body.

The other thing too is that I always try and buy something that I’ve never tried before. Almost every time I go grocery shopping, if I feel like I’ve tried all the fruits now and the weird ones, I think about going to the international section of the grocery store. I try a package of seaweed crisps in all Asian writing. Go for it, try something new. Once you try it once, then you never have to go back to it if you don’t like it, but that’s how you discover new foods. That’s how you expose yourself to new experiences. That’s how you switch up your autopilot programming. Try something new, and ask yourself what you need. 

Hopefully, this blog resonated with you. Hopefully, there was something that you needed to read. Please share with others who may benefit. As always, beautiful Starseeds, thank you for being here. Keep up the good work. You are exactly where you need to be. Until next time, I will see all of you in the fifth-dimension frequency.


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