✨January 2023 Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨

Elizabeth April January  Cosmic Oracle Reveal

What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation?
Comment Below!!

Card 1 – Oshun
Crystal 1 – Pyrite
Key Word 1 – Justice

The suit begins with the power of the sword suit – Oshun rising out of the water in her bright yellow clothing with a sword of water piercing the sky. The ocean and the clouds seem to be connected and allow you to flow into a victorious alignment. Oshun brings the sword to you because it is time to stand up for justice. She rises effortlessly and reminds you that the strength of your ancestors is remembered in the water of your body. Oshun wears gold jewelry, brass bracelets, beads, mirrors, and elaborate fans and every aspect of the card is shiny! Around her are the elements of music, dance, fertility, and prosperity, and in the background, a grove of trees signifies her throne.

Card 2 – Nana Buruku
Crystal 2 – Green Goldstone
Key Word 2 – Essence

Swirls of purple grace the middle of this card and form a massive gown worn by Nana Buruku. She is the grandmother keeper of the orisha oracles for the Fon people of Africa. She is revered as the most influential deity in Western Africa’s theology. Her dress resembles a giant ball gown akin to Cinderella’s, and she is believed to have given birth to the moon spirit Mawu, who we see in the upper right of the card. The sun spirit Lisa, who appears on the other side, is also a child of Nana Buruku. Nana Buruku is the original creator and Mawu-Lisa is the secondary. The large adornment of cowrie shells covers the goddess’ neck and her headscarf. Her skin is leathery to show her age as the oldest orisha. In her hands is a sacred knife made out of bamboo, and the other is a terracotta pot that holds the secrets that your soul has kept.

When this card appears to you, it is time to remember that your essence is here long before your physical being.

If you are having issues with your maternal aspects, Nana Buruku comes forward to help with all these issues.

Card 3 – Mami Wata
Crystal 3 – Tigers Eye
Key Word 3 – Memory

The Dogon creation myth tells the story of Mami Wata and dates back over 4,000 years. A figure is floating in the ocean with a large red and black snake around her shoulders. Her tail bursts with emerald greens and her hair encompass’ everything around her.
Mami Wata is the spiritual and material oracle and comes to you when you are going to gain something if you call upon her for help. She loves to help women and will protect the sacred waters around her at all costs. Her eyes hold a stern gaze that shines intensely.
The water in this card is a major factor as mami Wata will use the water to prove a point or teach a lesson if her messages are not received. Many people seek the help of Mami Wata by dancing themselves into a trance. This card could be a sign of fertility.

Author Info:

Picture of Lauren Akkili

Lauren Akkili


4 thoughts on “✨January 2023 Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨

  1. 3 i see her hair and spiritual energy being drawn from many sources and emerald tail as financial abundance coming into 3d. The water is the vastness of places both of these resources can be benefited, used or wasted and caution or care should be heeded.

  2. There was another time where it was like I was in a mental ward of a hospital, but when I walked around, it was like a place that used to be a school, and there were maps with something about ‘augmented reality’ in the place, and when I walked outside of the place, it seemed like noone else was around, just a space with no other people… and I wondered if it was some kind of virtual computer place, in a way (it looked very real! but like, was I in the ‘matrix’ like in the matrix movies?) and I wondered if I would be able to find water and food and survive in the elements, if it was a real place, on my own… I imagine I would have problems finding food, clean water, and somewhere to sleep, and somewhere to get out of the elements, if that was the real situation I was living in. Oh, there was an incident while I was at this hospital, of the elevator opening half way, and it was somehow like it was fake, like a set or something.

    I don’t know how well I’m remembering things.

    If I’m in the matrix/ some kind of virtual reality, I wonder if the real world might be scary or more difficult to face… it seems like I’ve forgotten this stuff and don’t remember most of the time, like, you know, the idea of ‘awakening’ vs being ‘asleep’, am I trying to run or hide from a reality that scares me, or feels overwhelming? Some people talk about virtual reality life becoming sort of addictive, people preferring to live in virtual game worlds, like in Ready Player One, or Free Guy, etc… there was a song about trying to become wiser before ‘waking up’ to real reality… I’m trying to remember the name of the song, it might be by someone called Avichi or something.

    I hope it’s ok for me to share this.


  3. I picked number 1 … sometimes I feel conflicted about the idea of seeking justice… that maybe, if you have to choose, sometimes choosing compassion or love is better than choosing justice… but it feels like I’ve been experiencing injustice for a long time, maybe I’m partly scared of seeking justice and my life getting more difficult … :/ I was forced on psychiatric drugs, it is connected to being told concerns I had about organized crime and human trafficking as being delusional and not real, or alternately that I might do something extreme based on those beliefs, it’s been 15 to 20 years of having this kind of problem in my life… at first I was pretty sure my perceptions were real, but I’ve had some strange experiences in the past well maybe the past 15 years but especially about 8 years ago I started hearing voices at one time, I may have been on less medication then, and I had some weird experiences related to… it seemed like maybe my perceptions were being fooled, and I was actually somewhere other than where I thought I was in one particular time event, a place I had walked a lot of times, it seemed like I was ending up seeing and in places I’d never been before, walking the same path, and I think I somehow got caught up going in circles or something, when I was trying to get home, and also it seemed like the snow at that time seemed like it might be fake, like maybe I was on a movie type set or something… and someone gave me commands at that incident, and I kind of followed without thinking, what seemed to be a room-mate housemate at the time, and it seemed like a pet dog was also somehow a person I knew from elsewhere, but usually when I saw them while I was living there they always seemed like a dog, except this feeling I got when I looked in their eyes, like they were angry or felt hurt from past experiences between me and this person.

    I am trying to imagine what justice would look like… to imagine justice, not vengeance… to try to see the good that was intended, and the possible challenge that may have been offered, but also maybe if there is a shift from some past difficulties, to some other better way of being… I’ve been medicated and experience difficulties and not feeling… my best self… one of the struggles the drugs cause is lack of motivation to work on projects/ important goals, another is interfering with my memory, others are my physical condition and wellness, many health issues… I learned from the Dhru Purohit podcast with Robert Whittaker, that the drugs can actually cause the abnormality they are purported to treat, and keep people sick, and make them sicker over the long term… second generation atypical antipsychotics … the drugs make me very passive, and setting weaker boundaries, but I find being less reactive feels like I sometimes am able to get along better with family when otherwise sometimes we have more conflicts…. but another effect of the drugs is not having as much enjoyment of life in a number of ways, including on a biological and neurotransmitters level… I used to sometimes be able to just feel silly and giggle at things I saw on the internet, or funny thoughts that came in my head, and it feels like that ease of just enjoying life, having humour and connecting with other people, with my heart center and my own emotions, is harder now. However, in the period of trying to go off meds, after being on awhile, sometimes the brain becomes super-sensitive in the sort of undrugged state, over-reactive to the neurotransmitters that were being blocked, and apparently it can take something like two years of being off of the medication for the brain and body to normalize from the effects of the drugs.

    I guess justice would be getting my life back, and not being presumed crazy if I try to call the police on a criminal incident happening around me? People who were being hurt, being able to get help, and the people doing the crimes not getting away with it any more? Is there an enlightened way, a healing way where these things could happen? Where everyone involved makes peace in a good way, and works together to have healthier, more loving and respectful relationships?

    I hope it’s ok I typed so much.

    Thank you for including me in this space and allowing me to share.


  4. Interesting that number 3 is the card I picked and I’ve always been drawn to Mermaids. My favourite oracle deck I own is Messages from the Mermaids. This card mentions fertility and i had to laugh because I am currently expecting a baby boy 🙂


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