✨June Cosmic Oracle Reveal✨ What does your card mean to you?? How can you apply this mantra to your current situation? Comment Below!!
Crystal 1 – Evil Eye
Card 1 – Reaching Out
Often times when you reach out to others through a simple hello or offer of compassion, you not only bring your light into their lives, but you reap the benefit of your own light reflecting back on yourself. The reflection may come in the form of a smile returned or gratitude expressed. By reaching out to others and putting positive energy into the Universe, you are creating a circle of love that ultimately will come back around and bless you with its goodness.
Although sometimes it feels risky, this card will encourage you to reach out. And yet you hesitate. If you extend yourself with good intentions, the feeling of risk dissipates. If you have had any reservations about reaching out, accept that you have chosen this card for a reason and begin now.Affirmation Mantra
I AM taking a chance reaching out to others, beginning a circle of love.
Crystal 2 – Botswana Agate
Card 2 – In Silence, The Angels Speak To Me
This is a timely message for you, indicating that periods of quiet may be your desire or need. Sometimes your interactions and the sounds in your environment become overwhelming. You may have become keenly aware of this recently and hoped for the opportunity to escape from the din and chaos of your world. Now is the time.
Close your eyes and allow the sounds of the outer world to fade off into the distance. Feelings of peace and calm will accompany you on this journey. As you linger in the silence of the inner world, you have the opportunity to hear the messages that are meant for you alone. It is said that in the silence of the heart, the angels are speaking.Affirmation Mantra
In the silence, I AM opening my heart to the voice of the angels
Crystal 3 – Shiva Eye
Card 3 – Fairies
The fairy realm is wherever there is nature: in wooded areas, by streams, in gardens. There to guide you on your path to the Light, they are cautious and may not show themselves. Sit quietly in a serene place; close your eyes; meditate. You will feel the fairies’ energy surround you. Listen to your heart, and you will feel their presence. The fairies are there to assist you on your Divine Path. Talk to them and they will hear you.
You drew this card in order to help you ask of the fairies for whatever you need to ask, and they will respond in their way. Be sure to thank them for their presence and their guidance on your journey.Affirmation Mantra
Today, I will find a quiet place, be among the fairies, and thank them for their support