The “EVENT” Is Coming 😱 wake up today 👁️

  • October 2023

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In this video titled MondayYouTubeLiveOctober 9th, Elizabeth April discusses various potential events or timelines that the powers that were are planning to bring about, such as environmental catastrophes, financial collapse, health crises, war, false alien invasions, and censorship. Elizabeth April encourages viewers to be aware of these plans and to focus on creating positive and empowered timelines instead. They emphasize the importance of unity, focusing on abundance and freedom, and not giving in to fear. The video ends with a reminder that individuals have the power to make a difference and bring about positive change.

106 thoughts on “The “EVENT” Is Coming 😱 wake up today 👁️

  1. Very well explaned!! Thank you Elizabeth! People start to listen to the how we create their plan by manifesting it into emotions… it’s important not to react, and as you say to simply observe, understand where they wish to lead us and choose otherwise, turn the other way and create the opposite. Bless you and everyone! 🙏💫🌟💜🙂

  2. I put off watching this, because I like to join the GFL to see why I get, and then come back and see what you got , but something really weird happened the night before the September full moon. I kept seeing these super weird creatures all day. They were watching me, they were terrifying looking, but I wasn’t afraid of them. I kept telling my husband that we were being watched . That night I believe I was abducted.. or invaded. These ETs were all around me and there was bright blue light coming thru all of my windows.. it seemed like my room was spinning. I had an absolute knowing that I was not in my room, my room was fake. Every time I would wake up, they would just tell me to go back to sleep. All night long, I was in and out of it, and each time I woke up, I was in the same weird space with these creatures standing in the corners .. I’ve had abductions before, but they were much kinder … after that happened, I was completely cut off psychically. I couldn’t get to the GFL, I couldn’t reach my higher self, or even do readings on people .
    Yesterday I found some weird tube attached to my astral body. It was extremely difficult to remove, but I was able to do it, and now the flood gates are all open .

    My mom had one on her astral body too.
    I feel like they are trying to cut us “see-ers” off from knowledge or truth..

  3. Awesome video. Love the part about the “powers that were”. I am glad you explained about how normal people, so to speak, probably cannot understand or get the issue of weather manipulation. I would love to share weather manipulation with my husband, but he would think I was nuts. Anyway, also loved everything you talked about in the solution section. Thank you, Elizabeth. Another good job..

  4. Hi EA, thank you very much, very interesting as always.
    Usually I never comment, but last time, during your video “The great reveal” I was triggered so much, that I couldn’t hold and wrote a looong comment and spilled out all my frustration… Then I cooled down… deleted my comment:)).
    And guess what, no surprise:)… on the 10th minute of this video, I am hearing the same info, which is repeated by you and often by other channelers… and which frustrated me the last time so much:).
    This time I am cool:), but, as I believe in synchronicities, would love to ask, maybe you or GFL will be able to clarify.
    So, usually when people asks GFL other higher dimensional beings/collectives for help (like to intervene, stop violence and etc.), the answer is:
    – we can’t physically help you, as there is a Universal, NON INTERVENTION/FREE WILL LAW and We have to obey it.
    “Nuclear. Will never happen… Banned by GFL, because Nuclear war not only effects US (Earth), but other civilizations, many other planets… in the Universe… they – GFL – will stop it at all cost…”
    In a nutshell, GFL basically saying:
    “…you guys on Earth will go through all kind of experiences (pleasant and unpleasant softly saying…) until you wake up. We can’t intervene your Free Will, but.. hey, if you or that 1% decides to blow up the Earth – the prophet Planet – don’t worry, we will stop it. As that would effect not only you, but US – GFL – and other planets too… so forget the NON INTERVENTION/FREE WILL/the UNIVERSAL LAWS. We will stop it at all cost!”
    EA, with all love and respect, to me that is so DOUBLE standards, so 3D. I am definitely missing something, can’t understand. Could you or GFL please comment?
    Thank you very much in advance.
    Sending love and light to all.

  5. Hello Elizabeth, thanks for this video! In your video you said that money is created by them (the powers that were). You also said that they can distort and disform energy. So that means they didn’t create money. But everything is energy. The energy of money was and has always been there. They just twisted the original energy of money to bank money. People don’t understand the energy of money, people really don’t understand money. No consciousness about the energy of money, none whatsoever. They just have a traumatised view on money. Trauma closes consciousness. And they wonder why they don’t have enough and can’t attract enough money. Because they don’t understand money, they need a basic income for the money they don’t want and can’t attract (Law of Attraction). Peolple don’t understand universal laws and if they do, they don’t apply.

  6. This is why Wizard of Oz is such a great analogy: we had the power all along, and the wizard was just a old man pushing levers around behind a curtain, pretending that he was in control. Much love!!

  7. Thanks EA I do agree and understand all that you were saying and have been working on meditation and love for the opposite effect….also have felt alone in this trying times here in Canada and doing my soulful best to stay positive and well shit then something negative happens😕🙁
    I just do my humanly best turn the frown into a light of love. I’ll be honest it can get exhausting💖💖 but I’ll never give up the fight for love and truth💖💖💖💖 take care and big thanks for all you do. Love and light and peace to all❤️❤️

    1. Hi Sheila, Quick suggestion to Help You Help Yourself … literally – when you’re happy or energized, write down your thoughts into a journal. When you’re sad or tired, read your own happy words to bring yourself back to being Positive & Balanced. Only write Positive thoughts in this very special Healing journal. Blessings to you❣️ Cheers, Glory

  8. Another one that didn’t make the youtube cut!

    HA! – I was meaning to get around to it and poof down the memory hole it went…

    All good I have been trying to watch more straight from the EA mothership! Keep up this streak and ill have a new habit formed in no time.


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