Psychic Protection from Dark Entities & Trickster Spirits

  • November 2022
  • 4
  • 1439

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In this video titled Psychic Protection from Dark Entities & Trickster Spirits, Elizabeth April shares their personal experience of encountering a UFO and connecting with interdimensional beings. They discuss the importance of discernment when dealing with light and dark energies and emphasize the need to trust ones own feelings and vibrations rather than relying solely on external information. They also provide guidance on how to discern between genuine connections with higher beings and manipulative entities. Elizabeth April highlights the significance of mastering discernment as the key to protecting oneself from psychic attacks and offers tools and techniques to help viewers navigate the spiritual realms.

Have you ever been psychically attacked?
Psychic attacks occur when dark entities & trickster spirits create disturbances in our energetic and physical bodies.

Check out this video and learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of psychic attacks and how to protect yourself from these nefarious beings!!

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