Personal Update From EA

  • April 2024

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In this personal followup video, EA opens up about her journey as a Starseed, sharing the challenges and decisions of navigating her mission and embracing their human existence. EA explores the complexities of finding balance and purpose, offering valuable insights and heartfelt reflections along the way.

158 thoughts on “Personal Update From EA

  1. First time I leave a comment because it touches me so much! I really understand this with whole my heart! 🧡. I ‘m a retired starseed myself and yeah , sometimes it is so difficult to be in that position especially in this timeframe where there is happening so much. But I know that’s not my contract anymore. Just be human and enjoy, be with my family and be present and feel the sun, raindrops and so on… . Thank you for sharing this . Lots of love 🙏🤗

  2. Ooof. This video helped me realize a lot. I resonate deeply with what you’ve said. I’ve struggled to find any motivation to work and decide on a career. I’m almost 30 and still feel very confused about what I’m supposed to be doing. My body and soul just want to rest. I discovered your videos a couple of years ago which sparked a dormant knowing that I’m a starseed; my curiosity and excitement about aliens just keeps growing as the years go on. I wish I could just learn and talk about aliens, spirituality & all things metaphysical every day. I also have a deep desire to be in partnership and have the ability to be a fully present mom. I long for a love where I can relax and just be. At the same time, there is an inherent desire to heal others, the same way Spirit’s love has healed me. I wish all beings on Earth could feel the peace found in knowing they are loved unconditionally… I think I may be one of those retired soul’s as well.

  3. So deeply moving! I can totally relate! When I had children, I had to change jobs and take a step back from work, politics and my community advocacy. When I took that step back, I actually became more successful in my professional career and my community advocacy (with less effort). There’s now way that should have happened (given how hard I had been working before), but it must have been the right choice. It feels like my success was a “reward” from the Universe (for making the right choice), but I’m sure it has less to do with “reward” and more to do with vibration and alignment. So, my two cents is … that I’m with you on the decision to take a step back. I suspect that soon after that, the path will become clear. I agree that finding the right balance is key. Paz y amor! – RA

  4. You hit the nail on the head for ALL of us starseeds…THE problem of ALL problems for starseeds…is that we can’t ever simply BE..because we are so fucking busy FEELING…EVERYTHING. I’m sick and tired of feeling PERIOD. I just want to learn how to stop. Lol.

  5. Bless you Elizabeth … & yes – it is not easy being human & balancing our mission with living here on Earth … I have struggled so much with “& whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should” !! (Desiderata) It is that getting caught up in “if I don’t do more, the world will go to sh**” mentality. If I could accept this I am sure I would find it easier to always come from a place of LOVE. I find it hard to just stop missioning! So much needs sorting out, changing, transforming – but if we think it is just down to us, we are making ourselves more important than we are! The Universe will continue to unfold whether I remember to light a candle for the war torn places tonight or not. It is not so important because we are all doing our bit, & someone else will light a candle on the evening that I forget & go to bed early! Bless you & please have fun, play with Bodhi, enjoy love with Nat & delight in being a small family! What an incredible, beautiful Planet to spend some time on – Hey!

  6. Hi EA,
    Thank you for sharing your feelings. Don’t worry, you’ve got this! You can do this!

    Instead of being an old starseed, I actually think this is my first time around on earth.
    Nevertheless, the challenge is largely the same. You might have not paid enough attention to being human in the past, but I am also still figuring it out what it means to be human.
    In my opinion all aspects of life are about balance. It is like a surfer. You need to balance to stay upright, to ride the waves of life.
    Therefore, when you’re a starseed and a human, you will need to balance both to stay upright. Too much of one thing is never good.
    Secondly, in my experience, once you master a certain lesson in the earth school, the next lesson will be a bit more challenging and difficult. All meant to let us grow and progress.
    After mastering your starseed mission work, your next lesson seems to be to learn how to balance that with being human and having a family.
    As you have mastered all previous lessons, I am sure you will master this one too. Enjoy riding this wave!

  7. Your video brought me to tears.
    It’s not this or that it’s this AND that.
    The balance of both in harmony.
    Your sweet boy just got here and needs you and your bonding experience with him and your wife have got to be the foundation.
    I love that you are choosing to focus on the beautiful, emotional human journey! Snuggle hard! Have little pillow fights and tickles and squiggles! Get into your nest with your family and pets and nurture that love and watch your house shine!

    it’s so funny I feel that we are on opposite ends

    I have had and continue to have an amazing emotional human experience and now I know that my new mission is too help awaken humans on a bigger level.
    I have a 12-year-old daughter born December 2011.
    I had her when I was 37 years old.
    So I had already lived 37 years with no children, healing as much as I could my emotional human self up to that point.
    Having her was another step in that healing.

    She’s going to be 13 now.

    I was so blown away when I found you and the things that you were saying were absolutely stuff that I was already doing on the subconscious level, but I could never talk to anybody about. No I do not remote view or channel or anything like that but I just mean my intuition on Quantum level and noticing how emotions have their very specific vibration and if we’re sensitive to it, we can switch fairly easily with awareness, breathing and intention.
    I became conscious of when I was in my heart center and what that felt like, and how to re-create that feeling again, That vibration , and noticed how my world would improve.
    Your book just had my soul jumping for joy!! Thank you so much for writing it!!

    I would love to get a group together in the future.
    I daydream about opening up The Human Bean Academy.
    Oh, it would just be a fun, fabulous place to go and learn to remember how to be a human being in all of our divine nature, and explore potentials. Use that DNA to its fullest!
    This, of course, after full disclosure.
    It would be humans and intergalactic beings, helping assist each other with our hybrid children, our human children, integrating adults and how to coexist together in the unfolding of the new human existence .
    You interested?
    After you nest for a while and the energies shift a bit more on the planet of course. In a future now moment. 😎
    Would love to know if you’d wanna be a part of that. 🤩

    All activities would be created with the foundation of the first step in mind, remembering we come from source and are source having a human experience.

    Anyhoooo….thats what I daydream about while I’m doing dishes and playing with my kitties , dog and my daughter or talking to my spirit guides giggling all to myself cracking jokes in my head that my spirit team and I laugh at just having a ball doing nothing but playing with the bubbles on the dishes I’m rinsing…
    You know what I mean? 🤓 lol yep. Thought ya did. 😉

    Love you so much. I support you and send you sparkles and squiggles.

    P.S. I used to read this book to Athena when she was about Bodhi’s age and even now sometimes I’ll grab it and flop on the bed next to my daughter and read it even though she’s about to be 13 We have our a little bonding moment and we both put our heads together just as a little reminder that it’s the little things in life and how we just love our nest and how our home is our nest, and this nest is best. That there’s nowhere else we’d wanna be. And just vibrate in that love frequency. That’s the frequency that heals. That snuggly feeling in your heart..
    My Nest Is Best by P.D. Eastman (The Best Nest)

  8. Elizabeth, Thank you so much for sharing. Your candidness really helps connect and adds perspective to what we are all going through here in this human experience. You are doing so much for being in the raw. You have such a huge heart and that can make things harder in many ways. You as usual are keeping the important things up front. I personally have reached into my past lives and healed Karma carry over. I applaud you for taking the time to care for yourself. You are a beautiful soul. I see you and you are supported and loved my sister in arms. Albert C

  9. Wow EA. Just wow. I don’t know if you’ll see this bc it’s pretty far down, but I want to put it out there anyway…

    Thank you so much for this video, for your previous video, for sharing so vulnerably your personal process with us. This resonates so deeply, it’s hard to put into words but I’m gonna try. I cried through half of this video and have watched it a couple times.

    It struck me after one of your recent videos – it’s SO hard NOT to go balls to the wall on mission work. I mean, I think my higher self is like – all balls to all walls all the time! There’s nothing quite like diving head first into a great adventure in service to humanity. For real.

    And yet, our humans are so fragile in some ways. Like, it IS possible to break them, I think. And I think I’ve come dangerously close to doing so in this lifetime. Like you’ve said – my human literally just doesn’t have the energy. I’ve tried, I’ve pushed, and I’m breaking under weight of doing that. Not to mention the effect this has on the people who love us.

    I’m one of the people you told in a coaching call that it’s ok to relax, regenerate, and focus on my own healing. I couldn’t fully integrate it that day.

    Your willingness to share your own process with us has helped me to accept and integrate it *immeasurably. I’m actually moving out to my dream cabin in a couple weeks, in one of my favorite forests on the planet, thanks to your service and sharing. *Thank you*. From my whole heart – thank you.

    It’s not exactly like I needed permission to do so, but seeing you and so many others in this community relating… it’s like I can feel justified in doing so. I feel *such a huge sense of relief in being able to just let go. And for the first time in this lifetime, I don’t feel alone. Thank you, EA and all of you here.

  10. I was born retired. I have never had much drive and have spent most of my energy healing ancestral karma the first half of my life. I am now just beginning to really relax and enjoy my life. When I awoke to the understanding that I was a retired starseed, I felt this huge release and relief. There was nothing wrong with me this whole time! I was always enough, doing exactly what I was destined to do. I just have to enjoy, and I do enjoy the simple pleasures, I always have. I feel more peace with just being me and in the moment, no pressure to be anything else. Thank you EA for sharing your struggles because they are ours as well. Sending love.

  11. Wow, so powerful, thanks for the update EA. I can feel it resonating in my core.
    Sounds like the perfect choice honouring your truth. It feels like the time to integrate past/parallel life traumas for me too.
    It’s wonderful to give yourself permission to have fun as a human being, being human!
    Much love x

  12. Thanks for everything that you do! my Awakening journey has been so much lighter thanks to you and the content you create. Thanks for sharing your feelings, we love you! Looking forwards to the starseed manual, like wouldn’t it be amazing for the future awakeners to actually have a manual! OMG!

  13. Dear Elizabeth, thank you for putting into beautiful words what I needed to hear! I hear you. I appreciate you so much because you put into words things that I feel but can’t put my finger on or articulate until I listen to what you’re saying and then it all becomes more clear and understandable. I am a retiring Starseed, I am 74 years old and I live alone, so I don’t have anyone to really bounce my thoughts off of most of the time. I can’t let go of the mission either. I have raised my family and I am divorced so for the most part I am free to do that. Because of who we are, we cannot quit striving, I know I cannot! Maybe because we have been striving for eons to raise our vibration in each lifetime. I have been experiencing what I would call set backs, ego deaths, I guess, but I feel like I don’t know how to process it. And I also have to chose family or mission, so that part doesn’t end but to me family is so important! I am the Starseed matriarch in my family of beautiful Starseed beings, bringing in more Light.
    I love you and all of this “EA team” of Starseed sisters and brothers.
    Thanks for all you do to bring this Starseed team family into higher and brighter Light,❤️

  14. 100 percent what I’m feeling too. I’m tired and yet I want to give and do. I’d also be completely content on a farm with a garden and never being online, around people again. Like going back to a simpler life. I’ve always been so driven and go go go but I don’t feel that anymore. So thank you for sharing

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