The Conspiracy Unfolds with Kate Middleton 👀🦖😱

  • March 2024

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🧐 Ever wondered what’s really happening behind the scenes with Kate Middleton? 🤔 Dive into this mind-blowing video as we explore sightings, surgeries, and a shocking remote viewing experience. Are you ready to dive deep?🕵️‍♂️

107 thoughts on “The Conspiracy Unfolds with Kate Middleton 👀🦖😱

  1. Just recently media shared a video of Kate Middleton explaining she has cancer and has began chemotherapy. I’m curious what your thoughts are on this. Is it really Kate? Could it be another false narrative?

  2. The Royal Family has released a statement about cancer treatment. I’m wondering how this plays out in that narrative. Is it easier that to make her disappear more easily if the clone doesn’t work that well?

  3. So do these clones have a soul? Do they have a soul contact as well? What about her kids, can they tell this clone is not their mom 😔 Does William know she is a clone?

    Who would do this and why? Harry and Megan made a mess of things in the family, maybe this is why Herry left🤔

    So does this mean She was killed?Elizabeth please give us an update 🥺

  4. Thank you so much. You are not bat crazy. You gave us the proper explanation which is the only one that makes sense. And yes, they have been doing it for a long time. Thank you for your courage.

  5. I knew something wasn’t right with Kate, but I was not expecting that. I do hope that after you check on our her soul that you do a follow up with us. Sending her love and light.

  6. I’ve seen so much content on this! The general public are not fooled and they don’t believe that Kate has been spotted, at all. Even if they don’t think that the sightings could be a clone.

    I’m wondering what their next step, is going to be.
    Their trial hasn’t worked, by the looks of things!

    I also had a dream about Kate passing, in 2022.
    It’s a bit graphic… so I don’t know if it’s appropriate to type out, here.

  7. I watched this on YouTube. Remembering what EA said about Queen Elizabeth being so afraid to give her body to a reptilian. I didn’t know about his affair and my thought was that she was in the process of merging with her reptilian. This is just so sad. How does William keep a straight face? Oh- he’s got a reptilian too but it just seems like such a crime against humanity to unalive her! I see a LOT of figure heads stepping down and being charged with normal corruption type crimes. When will the truth about this activity come out? Things like this would wake people up much faster. In the American Congress alone, something like 50 law makers are retiring at the end of their terms. That is unprecedented. Wouldn’t we be better positioned to bring in New Earth if we truly saw what the truth is?

    We get it because we are obviously star seeds who were drawn to EA. So, we were already awake enough to search for answers. But the sleepers- this would be shocking enough to wake them up, don’t you agree?

    I’m so thankful to EA for discussing this on YouTube. No one else has the courage to go here. I become stronger every month because of EA’s strength purpose. We all do. But who else besides each other ? How do we talk openly about these things to those who remain aslee ?

  8. THE FLAG THO lololol love love love
    I watched this on YT but had to come show my love where it really matters ( EA community ). I was WAITING for this drop, I knew it was coming and I am def with EA on this one… its kinda cool watching the day to day YT creators who are not spiritual like EA speak the same facts… confirmation/validation at its finest !!!



  9. Wow, and wow. I can’t get this one off my mind. It’s so f$&ked up now I feel like we are in a horror movie. Thank you so much for this insight. I feel for her, what she went through, her kids and family. A clone cannot replace a human beings light, their love and their essence. Would also like this topic explored in more depth.

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