Is Plant Medicine Good For Us?

  • February 2024

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In this video titled Is Plant Medicine Good For Us?, Elizabeth April discusses the topic of plant medicine, focusing mainly on psychedelics. She emphasizes the importance of using plant medicine in moderation and with clear intentions, rather than as an escape or sole source of connection to spirituality. Elizabeth April also mentions the benefits of certain plant medicines, such as mushrooms, for mental health and personal growth. She concludes by expressing her belief in the potential of plant medicines to help individuals have transformative experiences and connect with the universe, but also highlights the importance of personal inner work and empowerment.

90 thoughts on “Is Plant Medicine Good For Us?

  1. Intresting topic! 3 years ago I went on a DMT trip. My intention was to meet the ones I am working for.

    I was sooo far away in a huge orgastic frequency (riding the rainbow) and woke up when I came to a place that was white – extremely bright – light with tons of confetti on the grown.

    If that was Heaven or God or what ever, it was defenently a very high frequency. Crazy experience!!

    1. My last psilocybin trip on Nov 25 2023 was similar- defined as Ecstatic in all its colours!! Totally surprised and thrilled about the experience and I was asked to be an embodied presence of the Sirian White Blue Collective here on Earth – which I accepted ✨💕🙏

  2. It is so interesting you bring up this topic as I am about to do yage (ayahuasca) with the Cofan tribe in Putumayo, Colombia, starting tomorrow, for 10 days. The Cofan tribe first produced the plant medicine 5,000 years ago. Recently, unfortunately, Taita Querubin Queta Alvarado, Taita of Taitas (Shaman of shamans) and Master of Ancestral Knowledge, passed away February 3rd. We will be sitting in ceremony with his sons and grandson, who are shamans that will help guide us. This is a supplement for the work I am already doing. This will be my 7th – 11th time (5 ayahuasca sessions) doing yage. Every time it is taken, it is done with intention. It is great for us and our ascension, but not something to rely on. I do it to remind myself of what my soul already knows.

    Kambo is actually non-psychoactive. It’s the secretion of a giant monkey frog that is used to rid the body of all toxins as it attacks the lymphatic system and resets your endocrine system. As recommended by my shaman, it is good to do 3 times within a 28 day moon cycle, once a year, to reset the body.

    EA, thank you for doing what you are doing. I have been watching you for the past 2 years. If you are interested, @doctorkambo aka Jose Santa Marina, a student of the late Taita (Shaman) Querubin Queta Alvarado, who was the keeper of all plant medicine in Edcuador and Colombia. He is based in North Miami, Florida.

    1. Expect that you are have a good experience. I haven’t tried yage yet so good to know in the future about this place in Columbia, as I’ve mostly heard about Peru and Costa Rica. 🙏

  3. Hi there, There has been a glitch where I can’t finish the video to the end before I get the membership Ads interrupting every frustrating time,
    is there any way I skip it or should I pay for me to be able to watch the videos?

    1. Some videos are only for certain membership tiers. If you have the free version, you don’t have access to all videos. The ‘awakener’ membership gives you more access and the ‘creator’ membership gives you access to all videos. If you do have the paid membership but can’t see the videos, then you may have to login.

  4. Aloha Starr Family if anyone is interested in magic mushrooms I am a intuirive microdose and macrodose integration coach as well as grow my own scared mushrooms on the slopes of the Haleakala volcano in Maui. I have created my own organic products including microdosing magic Starr Dust chocolates with ceremonial cacao and Maple syrup. I have transformed my life using plant medicine and it is my passion to help others do the same. You can find me on Instagram @Starrcouncilmagic if anyone has questions I am happy to help with this alchemy. I come from an emergency medical background, had many health issues including endometriosis, depresssion, anxiety, migranes to name a few and with the assistant of plant medicine I was able to find myself and remove myself from the matrix. I no longer suffer from any disease and my connecion to source has never been stronger. I often find myself not needing or using the mushrooms much these days. Which is another amazing perspective on mushrooms, they are not something that you will have to continue to use. Even one dose of psilocybin mushrooms can be life changing. Infinitely grateful for you EA thank you for all of your energy, wisdom and knowledge. We all appreciate you infinitely 🙌💝🌈🐬🐋🦋💜🌀love love love you!!!

  5. I want to share my story with magic mushrooms, in case it somehow helps someone, and also to catalog the story of what prompted my spiritual awakening 3 years ago (I’ve never put this into words before :). This is NOT a microdose story, it’s about taking anywhere over 2 – 3 grams, to “trip” regularly.

    Magic mushrooms have always had a very 50/50 “creeped out” vs “this is cool” affect on me until the last few years when I started really dabbling. For some reason at this time, I was meant to face things in a way I was not ready to face before. I had become more open and willing to take this journey inward and make PEACE and forgive and ultimately LOVE the things and people that have happened to me throughout my life. It made me crawl out of my ego and see things from the perception of the other person. When I finally had this intense realization that “I am you, you are me” I felt like I burst open with this feeling of peace and love and connection to all things.

    I started taking mushrooms more often, and all I felt was the feeling of spiritual connection and joy. Also, I was getting undeniable signs in my artwork that someone/something was trying to communicate with me, which continues to this day. I got addicted to the feeling. I took them often enough where my brain built a tolerance to it, so whatever “trip” I wanted to take needed higher dose each time. It’s bizarre because it’s not really addictive, per se. It can even have a “gross feeling” kind of effect when you take a few grams (beginning stages during digestion). I just loved the feeling that much and I also have a very addictive personality. Also, I realized I was a healer or had been, and that eventually “I could help everyone!” This may be true eventually, but I felt super READY lol All these docs about cults and gurus failing and doing horrible things makes soooo much sense to me now. we have such long journey of self improvement and self discovery before we can do that.

    I eventually quieted the usage because I needed to be grounded. Being grounded is super important (we’re here to be humans, right?), but I didn’t think it was at the time because I was focused on all the “gifts” I assumed to get by ONLY by eating mushrooms (channeling, heightened intuition/clairvoyance). So the lesson of this is: Be careful, TOTALLY look inward and heal, accept, love with mushrooms, Know limits and like EA says, everything in moderation. That’s kind of what I’m getting at here. Be careful of loving it to the point where you feel like you need/want it too much, and be careful of the “I can/should help everyone immediately!” phase, if you come across it. Otherwise, a big thumbs up to this topic and of this plant medicine, it truly can work wonders. I’m very much aware of spirit without them 🙂

    much love and if anyone has a question, please feel free <3

  6. I have noticed it in your for the umpteenth time now. You know you’re related to Demi Lovato, right? She’s my 13th cousin, which means you’re probably at least around in the range to me as well. I guess I could tell immediately, all of that, but it took me a while. Her common ancestor with me is one Sir William Booth and Elizabeth Warburton, both of Cheshire, England. The world got WAY smaller once my perspective got changed.

  7. 1998 drunk opening day of fishing April 1st guy was selling liquid acid, Salmon river near Portland Connecticut I payed 2$within 5 minutes went from drunk to tripping in like 5 minutes. Saw a flaming dragon fly out of the fire pit.ciggarette melt in my hand laughed looked away took a drag people would elasticize form an s then mold back to together.6am saw color’s in the trees I’ve never seen before. It lasted 28 hours

  8. A few months after I did mushrooms for the first time I deconstructed religion, started researching NDE’s, reading Channeled books, and now I’m binging EA’s videos! It’s been just a little over a year now.

  9. Hi, EA Albert here. Thank you for addressing this subject. Kambo, also known as Sopo comes from the Philomedusabicolar or Monkey Frog. 🐸 It’s not classified as psychedelic, but a purgative agent. This is an amazing medicine for purging childhood trauma, putting the Ego in check as well as many wonderful health benefits. It detoxifies the body through the lymphatic system and gives a system reset as well. It helps to open the third eye and is an amazing medicine in integration. The psychedelic effects of the cane toad also known as Buffo is the powerful psychedelic related to 5 MEODMT. Thanks again for bringing this subject to your platform. Albert ✅🐸🫶🏻

  10. I myself probably smoke to much. That being said. I agree plants are good to jolt a spiritual awakening. As far as weed. I’m trying to make weed just a once a day commune with spirit. More than that starts leading to dependence. Ty for this EA. See folks on the highest timeline..never give up, we are going home. Love.

    1. Me too! Only beautiful experiences, even if some where I could tap into difficult emotions or trauma. Never a “bad” trip.

      I just trained to offer Psychedelics assisted therapy with psilocybin in Canada for people with end-of-life or life threatening conditions and those with treatment resistant depression. So far my patients have never tried a psychedelic so I would accompany them during their first try, it is a privilege. This is a new role for me in 2024. ✨✨🙏

  11. I wonder if the powers that were are going to attempt to intervene and alter the production and formula now that they have legalized and have control distribution (similar to telling farmers what fertilizer they are allowed to use) I hate that my mind goes to conspiracy, but history has taught me that 🤣

    1. I can see the pharmaceutical companies creating a synthetic version of psilocybin without the psychoactive effects in the future and selling it as a cure for depression drug making billions of dollars in the process.

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