April 2023 Message to Humanity

  • April 2023

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In this video titled April 2023 Message to Humanity, Elizabeth April discusses the energies of April and what to expect. They mention a potential increase in global chaos and upheaval, but emphasize the importance of not getting caught up in the drama and fear. Instead, they encourage viewers to focus on manifesting their own reality and setting positive intentions. Elizabeth April also discusses the need for reflection, cutting through the chaos, and setting intentions for the collective well-being. They end by sending love and urging viewers not to give up hope.

55 thoughts on “April 2023 Message to Humanity

  1. I just love and appreciate you So Much, EA! The more I learn about you, and the more time I spend in your content, the more I resonate with you. You are SUCH a Gift to humanity!!! I am so Grateful the universe brought you into my life those months ago! xo

  2. I loved your visions for Humanity, access to clean drinking water and the internet, just for starters. I would love you to do a video on how a physical community might work where groups of like minded get together and live in a way that is sustainable and non polluting. Whilst that is not for everyone, perhaps you could share your visions for your own family living and give us some ideas and thoughts. I have only recently joined your community and I thank you for your contribution to Humanity, I am enjoying your content very much, Namaste!

  3. I just want to say thank you EA and this community that has made this space possible. This is my safe space that has kept me sane from my chaotic life for the past year. Love you all♥️

  4. We are in the mist of a lot of breaking down I feel like so I can totally see this!!!! Linda Howe always talks about how we are supposed to get some info told to us this month too about the ETs! But like you always say this break down has to happen because the new world is coming ✨

  5. perhaps it was because so many people were watching at the same time, my connection is very fast, However ever 5 seconds it would show the stream loading symbol, this was hard to watch and listen to.

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