Members Coaching Call: Starseed Cycles, Health Crisis, Vulnerability Blocks, Past Life Karma Blocks ++

  • August 2023

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In this coaching call, various individuals seek guidance on topics such as vulnerability, stepping into ones purpose, and opening the throat chakra. The video emphasizes the importance of clearing energy, being present with emotions, and speaking ones truth to manifest desired outcomes. The message encourages a shift from information-based decision-making to intuitive-based decision-making, and highlights the need to embrace the human experience while pursuing spiritual growth.

85 thoughts on “Members Coaching Call: Starseed Cycles, Health Crisis, Vulnerability Blocks, Past Life Karma Blocks ++

  1. I’m glad I’m not alone in all this. Every question resonated deeply. EA you are an amazing human and I’m so inspired by you and every member of the community that is at their own stage of stepping into their power. As a gemini I tend to over think. I shut down and get quiet around emotions because I’ve had no support. I’ve had many physical symptoms this year and I need to listen and take action and speak my truth of what I want from the heart. So thank you everyone to guiding me into my service for the highest good of all involved. ❤️🙏🌎👁️

  2. More than ever, I can see how the people and the questions are a mirror for the group. Especially resonate with feeling ready, but not sure where to go. Beautiful questions and wonderful answers. Thank you, Elizabeth. Much appreciated.

      1. I got the strongest feeling (as soon as I saw your hat) that you lost a bet or something, had to wear it “live” & couldn’t say a word about it. Idk why that came to me. I think, oops, I feel that we all guess about each others personal life. It reminded me of your “what’s in my mug” promptings to get us to use our abilities. I still do that, but now I’m guessing about everything I can see on your screen. Anyway, I didn’t like the hat at first, now I love it! Y’all are great! 👒 ❤️👋🏼

  3. This was awesome and amazing supper stinks I mixed up the days and didn’t make it love hope to be at the next one and get chosen much love this totally all resonates with each and every person that was on thank Elizabeth much love to you and everyone ❤️❤️❤️

  4. your group reading about the mind being open adn the door to the heart too resimbels a channelling I did recently from Shala and the council of twelve from sirius where they told every oneto marry there head to their heart to come from the heart of love.

  5. Thank you to everyone for your amazing questions, they all resonated very deeply and it is reassuring that so many of us are going through the same things right now. I am so grateful to EA and this community, much love to you all xoxo

  6. Such an honor to be called today. My phone instantly started overheating and then low battery message right as I was coming in the video, but grateful my face popped on even if only a few seconds. It was the most surreal feeling to speak on the call and be given a message not only for me but for the group. It was my intention tuning in today and a beautiful wink from the Universe. I felt seen and deserving ❤️ I am beyond grateful❤️ Much love to EA and everyone here ❤️

    1. Kim, EAs message to you resonated with me. The inability to express myself or being shut down is a theme. I too went through a QHHT session but I didn’t get much out of it. However I saw a medium and had my Akashic records read just last week and it was great. Best of luck to you.

    2. Aweeeee yayyyyy! My heart just exploded as I read this comment 🙂 Glad I got to see your face too Kim! Thank you for showing up and being a great reflection xox

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