Members Coaching Call: Soul Mission, Self Love, Energetic Imbalance, Receiving Abundance ++

  • September 2023

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In this video, a coach conducts a coaching call with individuals seeking guidance. The coach addresses topics such as life purpose, self-love, energetic imbalance, and receiving abundance. The coach provides insights and suggestions to help the individuals navigate their challenges and align with their desired outcomes.

65 thoughts on “Members Coaching Call: Soul Mission, Self Love, Energetic Imbalance, Receiving Abundance ++

  1. Amazing! Your intention of helping us all, even the ones who are watching the recordings, is spot on!! I’m always drawn to the content that gives the message I need to hear. You rock soul sista!

  2. I listened to this twice and will likely keep going back to this coaching call. This info is so life changing. I don’t need to give and give in this lifetime. I’ve done this for lifetimes and I am meant to just be and heal in this lifetime. Thanks for validating that this is ok, EA. You’re impacting all of us and the world more than you know. I’m forever grateful for your wisdom and guidance.

  3. Just one more quick positive comment. I was perusing the comments. I just wanted to thank Peter Jeffs. I read your comment and found it helpful. Please feel free to keep us informed as to your progress and how you are doing.

  4. Not surprisingly, another powerful coaching call video. I agree with the person’s comments below mine. I would love to know what Natalie wrote. Anyway, amazing information, guidance, advice, etc. Thank you, Elizabeth. I definitely feel like I resonate with the messages.

  5. This was so awesome… thank you, EA! The last section about jumping timelines (visualizing for example a timeline of greater abundance) really got me thinking. I asked my energy if I was correctly envisaging such a timeline with greater abundance. With muscle response testing I obtained an affirmative (strong) response. I then asked my energy if I was open to receiving abundance. To my astonishment, the response was negative (weakening). This underlines to me how important it is, as EA says, to actually be able to receive. I am currently exploring this. It is not linked to any specific chakra (nor indeed the root chakra), this I have already checked. It is, however, apparently linked to one of my auric layers. According to Barbara Brennan’s classification of the auric layers, this corresponds in my own case to an “auric shield” at the level of the 6th layer, referred to as the Celestial Body. This is very curious and yet does not entirely surprise me. My holistic practice (I work with horses) has faced many challenges this past year, and there appears to have been a whole sequence of blocks that are holding me back. I had not thought about carrying out this investigation until I listened to the Coaching Call. What this suggests is that there may well be specific energy blocks that affect us when we are in places of lack. I will keep this post updated, as I see how successful I am in clearing this now that I have a handle on it. Aho!

  6. I cannot get the live coaching calls on my android cellphone to work at all this is the 3ed time and I’m usually out n can’t get to computer. Idk if it’s like that’s for anyone else but I’m so sad I want to be able to raise my hand as much as possible to get a chance to speak and just being g live with everyone feels so good and I hate missing out on all the fun. ☺ I asked for help and got the links and typed it in and no matter what I did ,nothing would work 😔…

  7. You’re so kool. Best teacher I’ve ever had.✌️✨🌞💜 super grateful for all of the tools I’ve gotten on my tool belt since finding you in the end of 2020, or 2021. Time is weird . Lmao 🤣 I watched almost every single video , old and new !!!I think about your wisdom you share pretty often and how much I’ve learned and grown , just about every day. I don’t have enough time or space here to explain all of the synchronicities , but it’s very deep and the timing is insanely on point. I now understand how the dark entities tried to get me and ruin my vibration as a kid and teenager .. that wasn’t my crap , lol andthnx to you , I know things like this now !!!! 😆 They’ve tried so hard throughout the years , through addictions , my vulnerable post partum mind at the times my babies were born , friends .. and even my marriage, but their little whispers and plan for my marriage didn’t work . Suckers lol -Love frequency conquers ANYTHING!!! Hehe.. btw , I often send gratitude+ luv to your heart chakra from mine!!! Your soul mission is amazing. Thnx for everything!!!!!!!!

  8. Wow so timely & relevant …seems to be the overarching theme right now with us starseeds..the last few months for me have been focused on integrating suppressed “parts “ such as Anger, with emphasis on being able to control our thoughts and emotions .
    Nowadays the main theme expressing itself in my world is mainly to heal self worth wounds.. Thank you so much EA and all the gals who shared their stories!! Very helpful & so comforting to know there are others that truly get us cause we’re all experiencing similar crap… I mean “opportunities” to expand and grow ! Much love and gratitude for you all!! 🙏🏻♥️🌈

  9. Thank you EA. As always another truth spoken out loud, that has been rolling around in my thoughts. You have just put it into words, now I will use this information to put into practice. 🇦🇺

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