Members Coaching Call: Stuck Energy, Possessions, Parenting Starseeds on the Spectrum++

  • October 2023

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In this video, the host conducts a coaching call with several participants. The topics discussed include personal challenges, future plans, parenting children on the autism spectrum, and the collective shift in consciousness. The host provides guidance and insights based on the participants questions and concerns. Overall, the video aims to offer support and guidance to individuals seeking assistance in various areas of their lives.

84 thoughts on “Members Coaching Call: Stuck Energy, Possessions, Parenting Starseeds on the Spectrum++

  1. Exceptional calls on this one. Personally, I had been trying to decide regarding October 4 FEMA broadcast whether to go for a walk in the woods or to the ocean and walk on the beach. Both are an hour drive for me. In this video EA literally says the word “woods” like 3 times. I got the message.

  2. MJ here. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for this healing opportunity. I’ve been waiting two years for this, but now was the exact right moment! I know how hard my family has worked to overcome this but your message EA felt like the healing closure I needed. The residual anxiety I was feeling has now lifted, almost instantly after the session. I felt it all lift away. I felt the lingering bits of this experience dissipate. I feel a new open space in my heart center. I am so grateful to be a reflection for anyone who has gone through something similar or is going through it. You can do this! You are worthy! You are not alone!
    Thank you EA for your healing activation!

  3. From a mother with a child on the spectrum, I wanted to share a device that is highly beneficial for children on the spectrum. It is called an AAC device. An augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device, is a tablet or laptop that helps someone with a speech or language impairment to communicate. It is something a doctor can prescribe. I just wanted to share. With love and light Jessica.

  4. Holy crap I haven’t had any sleep in days and I’m still wide awake so I’m feeling it 😜. It always makes me much more comfortable being up at 3:30 in the morning when the moon gets full. It’s actually kinda hard to get back into my routine after the energy and ideas that I get during the full moon and then I get a little bit sad that I don’t have that energy anymore.

  5. O MJ . My heart goes out to you and your family .I couldn’t help but get emotionally involved in your reading. I was crying with you. I was so moved.Hoping and sending the best and so much white light healing and love to you all. Your so beautiful and amazing! ♥ ♥ ♥

  6. I need to know more about this so I have everything I need to come, I’m in Pennsylvania so it’s gonna be a lot of planning for me. About How much do u think it will coast for tickets do you guys think?

  7. Thank you so much Elizabeth for today’s coaching call. It was incredible. It definitely gave me validation and confirmation on another level of vibrational frequency. Let’s co-create together for humanity continue raising its vibration and we make the quantum Leap ASAP . 🩷🌍💎🦁😇👼🫶🏻🌈

  8. I just want to thank both EA but also a special thanks to MJ. Thank you for sharing your story and being brave enough to raise your hand. By sharing your story you were able to help me with a similar experience that took its toll on a huge chunk of my life. I am able to lay a good decade to rest with forgiveness and feel like I too will never have to be haunted by that phase of my life again. I was worried about leaving some residual energy behind as I feel this will be my last round here. . If I come back it will be purely to experience my absolute best life here as a human and didn’t want that decade to repeat or hold me back from where I want to go. I love you your hubby and your children so much for this gift of freedom you over come. Pushed thru. Then gifted to myself n possibly others that watch this n given the gift of freedom. I wish you all the very best life has to offer for the wonderful empowerment you have taught us.

    1. Wow! Thank you so much for these words! As I have moved through this trauma one of my greatest hopes is to help others through theirs. When we show up for ourselves, forgive, and do the inner work the freedom on the other side is undeniable! I am so happy for the release you have felt and the ability to move forward! We all deserve it! I wish you the most wonderful and joyously fulfilled life!

    1. Does that make your blood pressure spike up if you are prone to getting higher than normal blood pressure? I’m very curious about it because I know that regular table salt is a very bad idea for blood pressure. It is a different type of thing as far as I know but I don’t know what is correct for the majority. I know it’s impossible to say that it’s like that for everyone because it isn’t going to be. There’s a good chance to see it if it is a problem and I doubt it is and that’s amazing to me.
      I have been using caffeine for my headaches since I can remember and I’m going to have to do something about that. It is all good as an emergency and then I use it for life and I’m not happy with the fact that I don’t want to go without it and that’s where it begins. I have to try it out and get back to you 😉✌️🌟

      1. I recommend researching Ian Clark’s interviews and his Activation Products. He healed his severe dehydration with Celtic Sea Salt in his drinking water. His blood pressure spiked for a while, but he knew from researching the researchers that it was a healing reaction.

      2. I always ask my pharmacist bc my doctor had rx’ed abx for me and I had a severe reaction bc it mixed badly with a med I always take. It’s their job to know.

        There is also a web site for comparing or combining meds. Maybe your BP meds are strong enough that it won’t make a difference.

        People may not like my remedy but as soon as possible I take 4 Advil and muscle relaxer and drink coffee or tea (caffeinated). To try and avoid the pain. Once it starts, it is almost impossible to stop it. Not the healthiest

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