Members Q&A: Kate Middleton Update, Clones, Western vs Eastern Medicine, Internet Trolls ++

  • March 2024

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In this video, Awakeners & Creators of the Cosmic Society ask EA questions like: Kate Middleton Update, Clones, Solar Flair, Internet Trolls, Western vs Eastern Medicine, Angelics, Astral Travelling & so much more!!

129 thoughts on “Members Q&A: Kate Middleton Update, Clones, Western vs Eastern Medicine, Internet Trolls ++

  1. So a few years ago, I got a random text message saying, ” Your vaccination ID number is (random numbers), keep this with you at all times.” Then about a minute later another text came from same place saying, “You have been successfully unsubscribed.” I was like, “what in the actual F?” So I decided to text back “help.” And it replied with a link to a website. I clicked on it and it took me to some military medical facility. And I had access to every file in there! And guess what it was? “HUMAN CLONING!!!” Each file contained several clone trials being performed and there were at least 20-30 clones being tested in these experiments! And there were SO SO MANY different files filled with these groups of clones. They were testing them and experimenting with certain dna markers and trying to figure out why they weren’t able to create a perfect replica. The names of the clones were all serial numbers, all except one! And that one was the only one excelling through their experiment with hardly any defects. The name of it was HOUSEKEEPER. Which creeped me out because that’s what I had been doing for work for the past 5 years. It got me thinking, “If I were a clone, would I know it?” Not saying I think that I’m the “housekeeper” clone. It just got me really thinking about stuff. Like, what if I died in my motorcycle wreck back in 2003, and the reason why I was found a half mile behind the wreck was because they had to take me out of time and space, and replace me with a clone of me. It happened in front of a cabin bbq, so 12 ppl saw me fly over the van and disappear from view in the front of it. But I was a half mile behind the wreck and don’t know how I got there! I’m not gonna lie, I FREAKED myself out with my rich imagination! Just makes me wonder if you would know if you were a clone? I could totally see them doing a social experiment like this to see if the clone can even tell it’s not the original. Anyway, thanks for listening to my ramblings! lol

  2. Y÷s switching it up would be nice also …I see ppl saying they the idea of you cooking iand I’m thinking that having someone show us healthy yummy high vibrational recipes that we can make at home is a thrilling idea !!

    Also I’ve said it before and I’ll throw a seed out there ….making the online patches IRL and making them available to buy with purchase . I just think they are so dope and eye catching, a perfect conversation starter and EA advertiser!! 🤞🤞👍🥰

  3. Omg I’m lmao from EA saying they drew alien penises going into her third eye on the screenshots! 🤣😂😭🤦🏼‍♀️ I canNOT get that image out of my mind now!! 😅 How rude & disrespectful but it also is tickling my funny bone lol!!

  4. also wondering if William is a clone and if Harry is a clone. and now that I think about it Charles seems to lack personality, maybe he’s a clone too. I guess you’d call this a rabbit hole.

    As for Kate’s children, we shouldn’t be too worried because on a soul level, the children already knew what they were signing up for, we all do. Let’s assume they are tough and I hope they will be able to over overcome their traumas <3 And for the record I'm proud of Kate for saying *uck-it I'm out, kudos to her .. Monarchy sure is crumbling, old energies and way of doing thigs is literally dying. Kuddos for Kate for aligning with the new energies and rejecting the old ways, her last act is also her bravest. Hopefully her children will be properly loved and looked after and then also get their chance to to rebel.

  5. I’m super curious about clones now. Are they just robotic and support controlled or are they are aware of what’s going on? How do they get them to behave and do what they want to? Does Kate s clone now know that they are going to kill her as well once they are done??

  6. Yes please kitchen time! Also need to do the thing with the cup/liquid/ guessing game… the name escapes me lol

    And all you are going through it’s a funny reminder of what stage my daughter had recently gone through (she 2.5 years now). So excited for you! Happy early birthday to your boy!!

  7. “It was a little too much for a Christian.” is my new favourite quote of you. Next to “Don’t judge me for my sugar addiction.” and “It’s just shit printed on paper.” 😁👍

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