I’m back on this Planet…. Past Lives

  • July 2021
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  • 127

In this video titled F*&%… Im back on this Planet…. (Past Lives), Elizabeth April discusses the concept of past lives and reincarnation. She explains that reincarnation allows us to learn the lessons we are meant to learn in order to progress and grow. Elizabeth, being an old soul, claims to have experienced and learned the lessons that others are going through, making her capable of helping them. She also mentions that we all exist on different planes of existence and are learning similar lessons. Elizabeth touches on the idea of forgetting our past lives when we come into a new one and suggests that this is part of a social experiment and a characteristic of this prison planet. She believes that as we become more enlightened, it becomes easier to remember our past lives. She encourages viewers to analyze and question their past, present, and future selves to better understand who they truly are.

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