Welcome to YOUR shift 2.0

Are you ready to reprogram your mind and take back control of your life like never before?

Stepping out of the 3D world can be difficult, trust me Starseed I have been there! It’s not easy finding a community of like-minded individuals and information that resonates deep within your soul.  That’s why I am here to help guide you so you can finally become the Master of your own reality! I have created this course for Lightworkers who need support stepping out of their old life and are ready to be guided into a new one! Now is the time to step out of the ordinary and start experiencing life to the fullest!! 
Are you ready?
Elizabeth April SHIFT Masterclass Landing


  • Learn how to take your power back
  • Understand who your ego is and how to transform it
  • Learn how to overcome your triggers and reactions
  • Learn what true happiness is and how to apply it
  • Forgive & release old energies of the past
  • Learn how to navigate emotions in a healthy way
  • Take control of your future and rewrite your destiny
  • Learn how to overcome triggers and addictions
  • How to shift your 3D life into 5D

Who Is This Course For?

  • You feel powerless in your personal and professional life
  • You’ve lost touch with yourself 
  • You are easily triggered, and you react to situations often
  • You feel utterly stuck in a mundane cycle
  • You feel like you aren’t living to your fullest potential
  • You can’t let go of the past
  • You feel unhappy and unsatisfied with life
  • You want to live in 5D or a higher state of being
Elizabeth April SHIFT Masterclass Landing

What’s Included:

✅ 8 Upgraded Masterclass Lessons 
✅ 8 Community Activities
✅ 64-Page Digital Workbook 
✅ Bonus Videos 
✅ Achievement Badge
✅ Certificate of Completion 


course content

Watch these videos BEFORE getting pregnant! Of course you can watch them at any time since the information always applies no matter what. This is what I did to prepare for pregnancy and to call in the Starseed of my dreams!

This week you will be learning how to recognize old patterns and understand your Ego and Human Self! Get ready to break down your reality and see things in a different light. By the end of this lesson, you should have the tools to differentiate between your Ego thoughts and your Higher self and prepare you for the work ahead.

Welcome to the third stage of your transcension! Now you know… Knowledge is KEY. But what are you going to do with all of this new information? You are going to learn how to channel this information and actually apply it into your daily life. Get ready to make some intense changes and utilize this new understanding in a very powerful way!

Congratulations!!!!! You have made it to the half-way mark! Way to go!!! The work you have done up to this point has been super necessary and very important for your transitioning process. Understanding and working with yourself on a daily basis can be tiring. But don’t give up! This week I am going to give you the tools to actually do something about the emotions, thoughts, and actions you have been working on.

Do you have your cord cutting letter ready? This week you should have this letter completed and ready to use it for the activity laid out in your workbook. This is a very important ceremony to hold during your awakening process. You will need to let go of what is holding you back before you can leap forward!

Lesson Six Here we GOOOOOOO! Can you feel the change? Are your thoughts and intentions becoming easier to manage? You will have officially let go of your old self and I am sure you are anticipating the next step to living the life you have always wanted!

We are almost at the end of this course and I hope you are feeling elevated. At this point, you should feel a sense of calm. You have done A LOT of work over the past six lessons and you deserve some appreciation.!!

Look at you!! Seriously, take a minute and just get a good look at yourself. I told you before, but I will say it again. I am so PROUD of you !! Now, you have the tools you need to be living the life you have always wanted!

Hello Beautiful SUPERHUMAN, I just wanted to drop by with one last message & give you your SHIFT Masterclass Certificate of completion!! I am so proud of you!!

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