Medical Intuitives & the power of working in groups
I'm sure many of you find it tricky to put a label on what it is you do, as often times these labels can appear limiting.
I've been working with clients and in group session, clearing stuck energies, past lives and limiting beliefs.
One of the fascinating things that has been happening in these sessions is people have been activating their gifts! They start channeling, feeling energies, seeing pictures in their minds eye, connecting with angels and galactic beings!
Another discovery is the power of working with more than one energy channeliner. 2 energy channelers to 1 client doesn't just double the energy, but makes it at least x4 more powerful, speeding up the release of energies and making the release happen much easier.
I was interviewed by the Medical Intuitive channel to speak about how my (and other medical intuitive) sessions and group sessions work, and we talk about the shift of working in groups: