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Anthony William Healing Protocols

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IMG 9182 1
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Good morning everyone,

I am not sure if EA has covered this in the past as I can’t find any videos on the topic. I would like to know firstly please whether Anthony William is legitimate as a medical medium? Obviously his millions of followers think he is so I would be surprised if he isn’t.

Secondly I’m interested in his views around ADHD and Autism, specifically which he says are caused by heavy metals in the brain. He offers protocols for healing but trying to get my kid to take just one of the smoothies he recommends, let alone the other ten plus substances is a nightmare.

How does anyone follow any of his protocols to do the healing when they are so complicated. Surely there’s a simpler way to remove heavy toxins and heavy metals? 

Would love to know if EA has channeled any information from the Galactic Federation about this? Thank you! 

Posted : 30/04/2023 1:58 pm
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Very interesting!

Posted : 30/04/2023 4:57 pm
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I don"t know if it's true, but in France, people recommand to drink water that is high in silicium ( usually volcanic water ), and eat coriander and chlorella for 5 days periods.

You also have to be careful not to over do it because it also chelates what you need !

French water Volvic ( 32mg/l of silicium) , apparently in the US the brand Fidji is high in silicium ( the one with the highest we can find in france is 97mg , it's called Rozanna, but it's really gross tasting 😀 ) , so i guess anything between the range 30-90 is good ! ( i've heard volvic many times in france )

Posted : 02/05/2023 8:09 am
thornfamily 89
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I too would be interested in hearing more on this topic. Not because I'm questioning MM's message or information, rather EA has recommended ingesting activated charcoal, whereas MM has advised against ingesting activated charcoal. I've also heard discussion about healing your body by raising your vibration.

At this time I think MM information is helpful to detox our bodies and understand the viruses we're dealing with like EBV. Earth is such a toxic place in it's current state. 

I'm curious to know, is SOC from God or is SOC actually a being within the GF???

Posted : 03/05/2023 11:57 am
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@judy-acton-ayala thanks so much for your reply and advice. I’ve heard quite a few people say they spent years doing the protocol and they had no change or got worse so I wonder why that is. I’m sorry to hear you had that experience.

Posted : 03/05/2023 12:35 pm
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@patricekrysztofiak thank you for your comment. That’s interesting to know.

Posted : 03/05/2023 12:37 pm
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@meika04 that’s a very good question! Thank you for your comment. I’m not sure either so I hope EA can answer that. I’ve also heard that raising vibration to love heals but I haven’t got my head around the mechanism in how that works exactly. I would love to dive deeper into that question too.

Posted : 03/05/2023 12:39 pm
Mariska van Luin and Amy reacted
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Please let me present my view, which is totally opposed to current knowledge.
All dissociative disorders are imo consequences of childhood trauma's (sometimes past life). Every severe trauma gives a fight or flight reaction. What is trauma? Suppose you're a baby who has been always been guarded and protected by his loving mother. Suddenly your mother, the one you trust, lets you recieve a very painfull injection holding you tight for recieving the second. You cannot move or escape. And this was the one you've felt save with. You might feel betrayed. And there's no one left to really trust. So, if this repeatedly happens, one reaction could be 'fight' and you develop adhd. This is in addition to the poison inside the vaccines. I think the deed of violence is more important than the actual poisons. Then, some tried to fight but obviously didn't win, they have to 'flight', but where? Answer: into their self. It's an ultimate safe haven in there! For us, they built a wall around them. That's what we call autism.

Note well, I observe this to be a mechanism of Nature. A mechanism. The poison-theory is too much enemy-thinking. Yes the poison has to be cleaned and it helps a lot, because of the raised awareness and raised frequency. 

Posted : 06/05/2023 5:54 am
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It's not all bad: thanks to an overload of injection trauma, a wall around us is not enough and we break through our crown chakra, to really escape reality: clairvoyance is forced. So, do we thank Big Pharma? No, I think 5D can be accomplished easier. 😇Although they forced us to practice clearing the injected fear and greed. Then we only need to thank EA plus team to provide us with tools, like the System Override.🥰

Posted : 06/05/2023 5:57 am
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thornfamily 89
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@lighthealer_arkie Thanks for sharing your perspective. I think people are searching for understanding so they can be in control of their healing. In your theory, I suppose one could heal symptoms of ADHD by raising their vibration but can one raise their vibration without knowing? Or by believing in their detox diet? What I mean is there are many people who have healed from MM information who aren't meditating or working to heal past life trauma. While those that have healed may not experience complete reversal of a diagnosis, they certainly have significant improvement in their day to day lives by reduction of symptoms. This lends credence to detox as an important step toward a higher vibration. MM explains exactly what causes autism, alloy mentals in the brain. 

"Mercury, the most corrupting of the toxic heavy metals, can easily stick around in a bloodline for millennia, passed from generation to generation, amplifying as it goes. So the mercury in a child’s cerebral midline canal that’s causing his autistic symptoms could have been mined 3,000 years ago—and could be causing more trouble now than ever before." - MM

Perhaps MM information and your theory go hand in hand. I'm currently of the belief that we're healing by detoxing. Detoxing the heavy metals and starving out the viruses that leave behind dermatoxins for an overburdened liver. I think our bodies are being held down at lower vibrations as a result of the poisoning. Poisoning by injection, chem trails, pesticides, pharma and so on.

Posted : 06/05/2023 8:17 am
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Yes it even can be both: the information of the experience of the broken defense can be linked or embedded in the poisons. Getting rid of toxins and symptoms can be done in many ways, not only physical (like MM,herbs,supplements, or fasting) but also with homeopathy as I did for many years in my practice. Even the physical homeopathy was replaced with biophotons (light pulses), so pure information is given. Now i'm convinced we can use EA's 5D tools too. Whatever works!  

Posted : 06/05/2023 1:12 pm
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@lighthealer_arkie thank you for your insights and sharing your thoughts around it. I agree with the trauma aspect, it seems to have a significant overlap between ADHD/Autism symptoms. I have also been looking at homeopathy and all the natural ways that other families are saying they were able to help their children either recover or significantly improve their symptoms. In terms of homeopathy, the consensus seems to be that no-one seems to know how it works. I feel there is a spiritual component, and I wanted to see if you could shed any light on how and why it works please? I have posed this question to EA before but it hasn't been answered yet.

I'm making a documentary film called "Beautiful Souls" where we seek to discover the root cause(s) of children's neurodevelopmental disorders and shine the light on the natural ways to help them lead their best lives possible, hence my initial question and now this one. Thank you so much.

Posted : 06/05/2023 6:20 pm
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@meika04 Hi Amy, thanks for your reply to Lighthealer Arkie. Yes I think you have hit the nail on the head. My theory is that heavy metals, toxins, stress/trauma, vaccines, chemically ladened water, air, pollution, western processed diet, intergenerational trauma has an accumulative affect on sensitive children leading to the diagnoses and labels of ADHD/Autism. Sensitivity being the genetic component.

I have two sons, my eldest has the diagnosis and my youngest doesn't. I have amalgam fillings, my gut health may not been the best before his birth, my eldest loved salmon as a baby once he was on solids, he had trauma from 2. Unfortunately he is now on Ritalin at school against my wishes (which is a whole other story) but as a mother you are disempowered in a system that does not understand these beautiful souls, leading to a whole array of other problems for the children and their families.

I believe the recent pandemic has exposed the shortcomings of the old medical system, so that we can create a new system that understands, validates and sees these children for the extraordinary beings they are. The question I am posing is how do we detox the kids when they are fussy eaters and their diet is a mess, in the most quickest, effective and powerful way? I feel like I am getting closer to the answer as I've been researching all this on and off for years. My gut is telling me the last piece of the puzzle is in the quantum field but then the challenge is bringing that to the mainstream when many are still not fully conscious. It will all become evident I am sure.

Thanks for contributing to this feed.

Posted : 06/05/2023 6:48 pm
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The wisdom of how homeopathy works is worth a topic in itself. There are books written about it, but only now in the quantum tech area, it can be fully understood. But it's never been described properly.

The secret lies in the way a homeopathic remedy is made. For instance, for stomach ulcers, the real material is collected. These cells are dissolved in alcohol or water. This is diluted, 'thinned' by a factor 10, shaken by hand. Then this procedure is repeated, say 30 times. Science calls this thinning, homeopaths call this potentioning. Why? In every shake the quantum information is shaken out of the original remedy and enhanced by the human shaker. Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual aspects of the so called disease is passed to the next dilution. Yeah even passed life aspects. If we consider, as I do, that certain trauma leads to certain diseases, trauma information will also be embedded in the final medicin. Say Ulcerus D30. Now this can be used to cure your ulcers.

Why does it work? What Hahnemann principle says 'similia' is the same as resonance! Hitting the right frequency. We are frequency. We are both material, as well as energy, as well as frequency. 

Every plant has a healing frequency, this is why herbs work.

Being a homeopathic practitioner is a highly skilled task. You have to find the right remedies and the right potention. In the right order. Only now I understand why a body will not cure always, despite the self healing properties of every body. It's because the body can heal only one trauma/disease at one time. If you got disease A and B, A waits for B to be cured. But if B is not treated, A will never cure. Imagen now the complexity of an average child given 17 (!) vaccinations during childhood, all with not only the poisons but loaded with frequencies of illness, fear, anxiety, greed, pain etc. There are homeopaths specialized in undoing the vaccines only.

In short this is information technology, quantum healing, whatever you like to call it. It works, I've seen counless wonders.

Posted : 06/05/2023 9:32 pm
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My 4 yr old son has non verbal autism. From the time of his diagnosis at 18 months I have done much study to understand why he has it. At first it was because I felt guilty that maybe it was something in pregnancy. I have read so much on clinical research and at the end of it they still don't know what causes it. In the last 12 months I have mainly been focused on the perspective from the autistic person. The reason being is that no one knows what they truly feel like or go through everyday, especially a non verbal. And I so badly wanted to understand my son to try help him. I read autobiographies by autistic non verbals. Being a spiritual person and also a logical investigator I have made the following conclusion.

Autistics are sensitive souls and have sensitive bodies. Therefore the heavy metals in environment and vaccines can affect them or trigger the onset of symptoms. Which is why most symptoms are noticed around the time when they get the most vaccines. And also, their souls are usually higher vibrational and they find it hard to fully ground themselves in their body. This is why they often look spaced out sometimes for moments. They have a blank look on their face. They don't make eye contact. They play in their own world regardless of what's going on around them. Most are telepathic (especially non verbals) so they don't communicate or interact the way society teaches us is normal.

More and more autistic children are being born now to raise the frequency of the planet. And more are being triggered and affected due to the increase of compulsory vaccines  and toxins in environment and foods.

This is just my opinion of course and my theory does not fit all autistic children but from interactions with other parents of autistic kids it makes more sense than what we are being fed by media and government.

Posted : 07/05/2023 2:06 am
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