Why do some people have a natural dislike “halo” about them?
I would like to ask the GFL’s perspective on this
Why do some people have a natural dislike “halo” about them?
The obvious answer is they must be or could be bad people?
But other people are seemingly just disliked for breathing in the same space as someone else.
Without saying a bad word, or doing a bad thing, sometimes upon first meeting someone, and they know nothing about them yet.
EA said in one of her videos that “they” did not like Jesus, he was not liked by people, but he did nothing wrong.
Is this to do with the persons vibration? The way they are perceived.
Thank you
@wayneroughan Thank you for posting your questions!
@wayneroughan My take it's a Nature thing. They had some traumatizing experience in the past with fellow humans and nature is taking care by altering the vibration, to keep ppl at a safe distance. Could be in this life but ofc also a former life. Other way around can also be true. You sense better than others, bc you learned to "sense" better through a protective wall you built, after some trauma. So i think it's physical. Nature/evolution is in the lead. Conclusion is that low vibrational ppl are not always bad by definition.
@wayneroughan Love the question. Definitely get what you are saying. I would love to hear input from the Galactic Federation.
@lighthealer_arkie and @elise-2, thank you for your replies.
It occurs to me now that all problems are a blessing in disguise, no matter how esoteric (hard to understand) they are,
All problems are to be looked at as an opportunity to grow and expand by making good choices and learning lessons if we need to.
And what pleasure we get from turning something bad into something good.