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What will our daily life look like in the 5th Dimension?

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Hi EA!

I am so curious to what 5D will look like, will we still have a need for schools? How about sports? Jobs? Restaurants lol? How “different” will things be? What will our daily life look like?

thank you 🙂

Posted : 08/10/2023 4:04 pm
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@lmspropertieserie Good question!

Posted : 08/10/2023 4:59 pm
MrsStro reacted
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I’d like to know if we would still love our 3D treasures? Family photos, heirlooms, collectibles? Will it matter anymore? If the items don’t matter, what happens to them?


Posted : 10/10/2023 6:23 pm
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Such a great question! I am curious too!

Posted : 19/10/2023 7:05 am
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@lmspropertieserie   EA does explain it in her videos.  Sorry, but I forget which was the last... it was recent.  It would be cool to get an indepth answer from GFL.  It has to do with rather your consciousness, not so much physicality as in the plane we physically navigate materially.  This is my understanding: But, it is actually reclaiming or remembering or accessing a part of our original beingness, an expanded access to that which we are in wholeness (our wholeness is not fully in this body).  So you will have more access to the whole you that you are and not expressing/accessing here. While it is always there, always has been, always open (we cannot really separate from Source, from where we emerged)... we have in materiality moved away from it in our consciousness. You will have abilities like EA, which is available to all as the whole that you really are.  This is why they refer to it as "remembering who you are."   You will feel more like the state of the dream world - accessing more. You will be more plugged in... aware of that "other side" or the so-called invisible, but without difficulty.  I've experienced glimpses since a little girl.  I've even experienced being inside of someone else's body (my mother, when I desired to know what SHE thought like and was like), just like EA did one time from her car to the driver in front of her.  I've also experienced being in 2 places at one time physically, BEING 2 physically - no, not out of body, that is different.   I know someone in 5D who's been 5 bodies of his at the same time.  Dejavus are 2 or more timelines that you are seeing, and you've actually seen them in dreams first.  Dreaming is the "other side."  One visits them there in "sleep."  That is why you can have precognitive dreams... you've visited those timelines "ahead of time" Lol.  Anyway... No it is not that we will disappear from this present Earth.  We will be in more access to many planes ... more conscious of our wholeness. Because remember.... this... what you touch... IS part of spirit because it is weaved FROM spirit. Quantum physics is dis-covering that all the time.  The more we invent tools to see the invisible to our eyes, the more we see everything IS "invisible." (or spirit - it cannot be anything else!)

Posted : 19/10/2023 9:11 am
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@armywife85  You will simply give them physically away... for, the events... the memories... are part of you anyway. (and always had been).  You'll just be less attached bc you are more conscious that those photos are IN and a part of you... and not only the photos.... but the WHOLE EVENTS!!  You are inseparable.  This is why people seek a more simple way of living bc those physical attachments have dissolved into the awareness that it is them.  They do not feel the need to collect things.  On the other hand, if you still feel like expressing that part of you in the physical while here - you CAN!  Because it is ALL CREATION.  Some people become extremely "creative"... which all it is, is expressing the movement of Source into this materiality, which is creating.  You never lose your choice of expression.  ....... Myself... I have always not been really able to listen to old music or look at older photos, because when I do... ALL the images and sounds and events and memories and faces and EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS - good AND BAD - flood back to me.   More bad than good (eye roll). So in the same way... it's ALL in there, baby.  There is this one actress (she was in Taxi TV sitcom in 70s), she remembers EVERYTHING that ever happened in the past to a T and the EXACT DATES and day of the week.  So that is all our abilities in and from our wholeness.

This post was modified 1 year ago by light4m11
Posted : 19/10/2023 9:29 am
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@light4m11 Very well put… Thank you. I do have happy memories of my husband and 3 kids when I look at the last 37 years of photos. When I look at my first 20 yrs of my life in photos, memories aren’t as happy… 

So, now after my first session with TReb channeled through Rob Gauthier the other day, I realize that my heart chakra is blocked since my childhood and some of my solar plexus. I have work to do. So much bullshit to sort through. Ugh, it’s all so hard to face. It’s scary. I don’t know where to start.

I’m sure EA has videos to watch. 

This is an exciting time, getting ready to permanently shift to 5D.

the best is yet to come 😊💖💫

Posted : 21/10/2023 6:35 am
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@armywife85   Sort out... ugh... I so understand what you mean.  What I have learned is that we must ask for what we want.  Ask for healing, be detailed. Things will show up.  You are worthy of IT ALL.  .... I too once had my heart chakra blocked... I was told it had "separated' into hundreds of little vortexes to be able to handle the chaos I had to handle and survive it.  I went to a healing sacred tour to mexico years later (which was kinda a miracle bc I thought I could never do such a thing, but then i asked for it) , and at the church of Guadalupe the shaman who was with us started to sing behind me, and I felt my heart physically twitch and open, and I automatically thought to myself that that song was meant for ME.  I felt my heart open ... I had for some years not been able to feel love for the things that I loved.  I looked behind me and saw that it was she singing. When we filed out of the church the shaman came to me and told me that Guadalupe told her to sing to my heart to open it.  I was shocked.  Then after, we went to her home in which she had a tamazcal (an adobe sweat lodge).  In it she had us do vowel chanting with deep breathing and exhaling the vowel (a, e, i, o, u..) in sound, each separate and repeat.  It was to purge and to open the chakras.  I had no idea we were going to do this.  I experienced many visions.  One was that what i was doing was to affect women all over the world - past and present.   I saw a procession of thousands and thousands of women the whole time I chanted, and a mexican pyramid.  I felt as though i was liberating them too.  Other members later told me that they saw a dark energy come out of my solar plexus and a portal of light opened at the top pf the adobe into which the black energy left.    After that experience, i was able to remember the things that I had loved, and feel again.  Maybe explore chanting or sound healing.  I hope your healing is kind to you and swift ❤️ .

Posted : 04/11/2023 2:13 am
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@light4m11 wow, very powerful! thank you for that 🙏.

Posted : 05/11/2023 6:59 am
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@lmspropertieserie Beautiful stories to read here! Maybe it's meant to be both simultaneously, 3D and 5D. So that's where we already are, only just for now and then. Not yet as often as we want.

As humanity is the only species that can hold the dark ánd the light, maybe we are also meant to be the species that can experience 3D and 5D at a time. EA already gave us the necessary tools. At least we starseeds are already aware how to manifest, how to slip into 5D. We are all like Jesus, but he was born with it, only we must first deal with the 3D. And deal with our karma...

Our mission should be to focus on Love & Joy ( and gratitude, peace, unity, respect for nature, freedom and awakening of the rest of us) And to develop and practice our 5D tools 😊 So we do not have to wait passively for a sunburst or event that will wake humanity.

Posted : 05/11/2023 8:03 am
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you should read the "three waves of volunteers and the new earth" by DOLORES CANNON you could get some answers there 😉

Posted : 05/11/2023 10:14 am
MrsStro reacted
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Thank you for all the comments 💙 all the beautiful input of what our abilities will be but I’m still missing what our world in 5D will become.

We all know things like banking institutions will eventually crumble, governments, and “All things will be revealed “ sooooo

Housing? Everyone should have a home. Will the GFL help us or will we all help each other rebuild? 

Schools:  Will our children even need this type of learning structure in the 5D realm? 

Jobs: Will we own businesses or work for others for payment in return? 

Is this where our souls purpose kicks in and we begin to do our real work? Like I feel I am here to help people with housing or help children learn or both 💙 


Thanks all 💙💙💙💙💙

Posted : 10/11/2023 4:21 am
Arkie M. reacted