what is the view from 3D when others move to 5D?
When some move from 3D to 5D, I am assuming that some will happen quickly. Does this cause a panic with those still in 3D Earth?
An example would be if a person who lives alone moves on to 5D would his/her belongings still exist in the 3D Earth? And how would those still in 3D react to not knowing where brother, sister, father or mother or friend have gone?
This is also under the assumption that we are all moving into 5D but at some point you are no longer attached in any way with the 3D Earth or people.
@jim i think but am not sure, it's not a litteral 'move'. The 3D/5D shift is that the 5d ppl live simultaneously the 3d life. So you experience your 3d life but also from a higher perspective, timeless, out-of-the-matrix, you experience unity, you see the hand of the creator, feeling only love. We are a species that can do both. So 3d ppl just keep seeing only the matrix and they see you as a matrix member 😉