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What is the truth when we die? We go into the light (Matrix 3D trap) or turn around and move towards the universe?

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I have seen several posts in which they claimed to not go towards the light when we die since this shall be kind of cabal evil trap to reincarnate and beeing held into the 3D Matrix. Instead we shall turn around and move or go towards the universe behind us. Just wondering what you all think of this and if there would be a way to ask the GFL. Since we kind of erase the 3D Matrix and move to the 5D this should be no discussion anymore because evil will be gone. No traps anymore. Love & Light love you all!


Posted : 02/08/2024 1:48 am
Heidi reacted
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hello vxtinkerbell. death is when our soul/consciousness detach itself from the body. soul is connected to the physical form through the silver cord (energy centers). after detachment, we will be just a mass of energy which have a consciousness floating around. following light is the path toward the "spirit" where we are originated from. "spirit" is a gathering of many souls like us, who have came together to experience and grow. of course we can exist on our own without joining the "spirit" but the growth will be very slow and lonely. "spirit" as a whole, decides what to experience. such arguments as you mentioned, come from those who are not satisfied with their own experience/understanding and they think every experience is as unsatisfying or unfair. "spirit" as a huge mass of energy and gathering of wisdom is capable to create realms and forms. you as a soul cannot. by going into universe, you wont be able to join any experience that a spirit can offer but only to watch from outside. all of us humans, havent always had incarnated human experience, we have spent most of our "time" just to watch from the other side.

Posted : 02/08/2024 2:23 pm
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The cabal trap have never resonated with me, it seams to me like a very lowvibrational lie to keep us in fear of one more thing.. but yes i agree, if such a thing is real even at all or in some places it would surley be gone forever once we 5D.


This is my experience with dead people: Once they die, there will be somebody there to great them, a family memeber that died, an old friend, an angel.. they will show them to heaven or what you want to call it.. (i have seen this happen, i have seen the dead person standing by her/his body and beening lovingly greeted by friends etc)

Then if the dead person chooses to stay here just a litle while more, to check on the house for ex or see that family is doing ok or other unfinished business.. they can move on when they are ready. Sometimes in these cases a medium can be helpful. When you stay here after death it is way to easy to slip down in a low vibration, and maybe you dont know hoe to move on anymore.. but anyone in this situation can ask for an angel and ask to be taken to heaven.. if they forget this you can remind them.. these people will have an angel to show them the way


I have no experience actually, with somebody who dies and is just alone outside the body.. sees a light and goes towards it, maybe it can happen that way aswell. if the dead have chosen that is the way they want it when they die, or if they sronfly belive that is what will happen, then it will be arranged for them that way.. 


But what i know and have heard from the angels, is that the dead person is always "under guard" by some angel,, that waits for the dead to notice this or choose to ask for an angel. Also i know the soul will always be free when the person dies, you can sell your life to some dark thing maybe, but whatever you do your soul will always be free after death..

sadly we are very dependant on what we BELIVE to be true. If you die, and you belive that you sold your soul.. you will be stuck in a low vibration until somebody tells you you are actually free.. a medium could do this for ex.. (one of the questions i have, is why angels dont go down, say hi and tell them they are free to move on, i think it has to do with free will, that free will also includes somehow what we choose to belive, since our belives creates our world).

I have also met dead people who thought they could not go to heaven for other resons, ex a man that had heard from a priest in the olden day that he would not get his sins forgiven on his death bed, so he thought he had to stay when he died and he was sad ofcourse, ( i told him every soul was important and loved by creator and that he would absolutly get his sins forgiven, just ask for an angel and ask the rest and go to heaven). And one that thought he could not bring his cat along to hevaen so he was staying here with his cat (i told him to take hs cat and ask for an angel and go to heaven). And a lot more different reasons like this.. 







Posted : 03/08/2024 5:50 am
Tinkerbell reacted
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@mynameissiemanym Thank you so much for your reply to my question! So thankful to talk with someone about those things. Super intresting knowledge and view! Sending you love & light 💖, J.

Posted : 05/08/2024 7:11 am
Heidi reacted
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@heidifihlmangmail-com-2-2-2 Thank you too so much for your reply to my concern! Really grateful to talk with someone about this topic. Thank you also so much for taking so much time to respond so deeply! Sending you love & light 💖, best wishes to all of you, J.

Posted : 05/08/2024 7:15 am
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Michael in NH
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Unfortunately the "White light" trap is very real, and many entities have been captured after having been tricked by it.  The Pleadians were shocked to learn that the dark ones possessed that type of technology.  Not every person who passes experiences these traps, though its better to be safe than sorry.  The safest way to try to avoid it upon passing is that instead of going towards a white light, seek out gold, sliver, or violet light instead.  I gave me mother who passed, the same bit of advice just in case. 

Posted : 07/08/2024 8:36 am