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So if I were to vote, then I am not doing my part for the collective- correct?  I mean, I would be picking sides- the opposite of what we should be doing.  I would love to know EA’s wonderful peoples decision on that. ❤️


Posted : 15/10/2024 7:59 pm
elise ogrady reacted
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@lovely Lisa, Everybody has to do what his/her inner guide says, not what EA tells us to do. She btw never would tell any of us to do what she wants, just to use your own discernment! If your heart really goes out to one of the candidates, that's totally okay. There is no right or wrong in the act of voting. Just observe that this all is a game, an illusion. A play. After the election we can rise in gratitude, and observe the coming events in neutrality. If your intuition says not to vote, then do that.

Posted : 16/10/2024 2:21 am
Lisa Barlow reacted
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There is a good and bad.  

When you can't tell which is which means that something is definitely wrong with you.  Deeply and eternally.  Which is usually that the system turned you into one of its sheep - trained into Neutrality to stay in its cage.


Kamala Harris is the single biggest political spectical of illuminati lies.


Donald Trump has busted more pedophiles than any other politician in History.



Posted : 16/10/2024 5:05 am
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Once years ago o wrote on ballot Charlie brown and put a check mark on it lol

Posted : 16/10/2024 8:05 am
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I have always been a devout voter, I was a delegate for my city for my district. Super involved with politics before waking the f up and realizing it is a puppet show. We are given an illusion of soveriegn democracy, while both wings are on the same baphomet beast. Either way you vote, the only changes are manufactured for larger agendas we cannot perceive. To vote give legitimacy to the system that is an absolute insult to the people that work their asses off as debt slaves with shit healthcare and no real dental care --and can't even afford cream cheese anymore. I want to know why the Democratic government that has been in charge and that I voted for---why aren't we hearing anything about the names in Ghislaine Maxwell's little black book? Why are there no real efforts to exposing the satanic cults/SRA and child sacrifice and how so many kids go missing through the CPS/foster system? Through Trump's reign, what happened to all the children separated from their parents? What happened to those people?

It's all vomit, I can't think of anyone in politics that is not comprimised. Even the Obamas, I NEVER thought i'd say that. I was so brainwashed and programmed. 

I think Trump will win (but i'm not a psychic lol) but people expecting a savior are going to be waiting a while. He was in the club (i'd say his father was a masonic and groomed his kids) but Trump would not stay in line or follow directions and was a liability so I think thats why he seemed like an outsider. There is evidence of his connections before getting cut off. I don't know if they can clone him because he's so erratic that it would be hard to program the clone. Obviously there have been attempts made on his life, but with directed energy weapons you can give someone a heart attack or induce psychosis with a remote control from very far away. So why wouldn't they do that? And it feels like they were counting on Clinton winning, so does that mean elections aren't rigged? or did they want to create as much division and chaos in the death rattle of the cabal's final years. 

Posted : 16/10/2024 9:20 am
Lisa Barlow reacted
The High Heart
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I think EA did a video- can't remember it now but - yes its all a play but one candidate was going to be "a gentler ripping off of the band-aid" (Trump) than the other timeline w/ the other candidate winning. If I can find it I'll post it. I'm out of politics entirely - as above - they are all compromised and I believe it is a bit of a play. I don't believe they are 2 sides of the same dark coin exactly because there has to be some level of polarity IMHO but....

I agree w/ @lighthealer_arkie though - go w/ your own heart's navigation. If you're feeling called to vote - then do that. If you feel you're putting energy into a side and you think you shouldn't be doing that then don't. I think every soul-light has a direction in which they shine. Some ppl clean up politics, some help w/ children, some w/ animals, some w/ nature and so on. Voting just might not be in your heart to contribute to. Many stages, many plays in this matrix.

@avenasativa - I'm aghast that Ghislaine got only 20 yrs and WHERE ARE ALL THE NAMES?? THE NAMES!!!! And Prince Andrew got NOTHING - just paid off Guiffre and we're done. I can't be too surprised since mom was the Queen and also involved though. It's all so incestuous. How do we get enough traction to actually follow these exposures through to real justice & real change? 

Posted : 16/10/2024 11:49 am
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@lovely Yes, it is OUR responsibility to VOTE and make a choice between what I will call the Light and the Dark.  In my opinion, I do agree with EA and what the GFL had to say.  That Trump supports the 5D Timeline of sovereignty with way more ease.  Harris and Walz (total embarrassment and SOOOO corrupt -- nonstop lies) will be a train wreck, but either way we are in line to go 5D.  To me -- Republican is the NEW, Aware, Smart Democrat who can see through the BS/corruption.  With Trump we get 4 leaders who truly care and who truly want to make America great and healthy!  (Trump, Elon, Kennedy, Tulsi).  They are ALL REAL, ethical, honest peeps who are making a difference and sacrificing lots for US!  I am horrified that the Dems and FEMA are blocking those who want to help and rescue those in the storms in NC and elsewhere, while Trump and Elon and other citizens ARE helping and risking jail in order to save their lives.  This is messed up, but hopefully it shows the truth to those who are still blind and think that the Dems are "good."  And all the anti-semitic energy on the Dem side?  Not OK!  I am not OK with hate.  I choose love, honesty, ethics and therefore I choose Trump and the awesome team he has created.  Yes, I am a proud convert as of 2020 -- I choose the LIGHT!

Posted : 16/10/2024 1:23 pm
Lisa Barlow and Arkie M. reacted
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@lovely I definitely get what you are saying.  My humble opinion is that voting is exercising that right.  Yet, having said that, again, I see your point.  Let's we get to hear what the Galactic Federation has to say.

Posted : 17/10/2024 2:03 pm
Lisa Barlow reacted
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  1. @noahsbarktouringcompany  WOW!  Thank you for your kind words. Sending you love & light & a little laughter 🤭 
  2. lovely
Posted : 19/10/2024 8:29 pm
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Thank you for your response.

That would be wonderful if the Galactic Federation gave us an answer.🤗

Posted : 19/10/2024 8:41 pm
elise ogrady reacted
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@lighthealer_arkie  thank you.  ❤️

Posted : 30/10/2024 1:27 pm
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@quinn thank you ❤️

Posted : 30/10/2024 1:34 pm
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@taracello513  I did not know the GFL said that about Trump. Thank you ❤️

Posted : 30/10/2024 1:38 pm
Taracello513 reacted
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It seams to me the election in the US is just another political thing to divide people, and does it quite well.. 🙂 

Also there seams to be 4 more candidates that nobody talks about.. 

The 3D politics are not going to be a part of new earth, and as my guides said a few years ago: "if it is not a part of new earth, it should not be in your thoughts . "  I guess our thoughts manifest new earth, so we should think of pleasent things  🙂



Posted : 04/11/2024 10:39 am