Transition to New Earth 2.0
Does the New Earth 2.0 already exist? My feeling is that it already exists but is not yet visible to us. How will leaving World 1.0 and entering New Earth 2.0 happen for us humans here on earth?
I apologize for my poor English, its not my mother tongue!
hello @fozvak. i believe that new earth indeed already exist. we have to leave the old earth physically in order to incarnate on new earth.
thank you for your opinion!
@fozvak Thank you for posting your question!
@fozvak Hi, hola, i agree. I believe It already exists but the frequency maybe IS not available for us all the time. Maybe we pass this physical plane (here, now) and get to NE in other realm, eteric, almic ..
thank you for your kind answer and opinion. Yes, i really believe we must raise our own vibration in order to find entry and be granted access!
thanks for your great help!
Thank you for your post. I really enjoy talking about NE. Kind regards. Paloma
Let's not only talk about the increase in vibration or frequency, but also manifest it!
Thank you!
I would love to know the GFLs answer to this also. 🙂
I belive that new earth exists and we could go there right now.. or atleast very soon. There have been portals reday for about two years now, and i have been there in meditation with the help of my guides many times,, its beautiful and the energies are so lovely. I know we are all supposed to move over there permanently at some point, but the how and the when are always kinda open.. the only answer i get is "now" 😀