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Top 3 Areas of Focus for Ascension
Topic starter
If the GFL could summarize the top three pieces of advice/guidance for humans to keep top of mind/focus on, that would aid in both personal and collective ascension, what would they be? I know this exists in abundance throughout EA's past downloads and videos, but thinking it would be helpful to hear how the GFL would summarize and rank them. Thanks! 🙏🏻
Posted : 22/06/2024 11:27 am
elise ogrady reacted
@mojomanifest I am saying that I really like this question/topic. I see what you mean that things like this have been brought up in Elizabeth's videos, but, to me, an important part of your question is: now. In other words, perhaps different things were important before. But, now, what issues are important. Hope that was not too messy. Anyway, I think you brought up a good question.
Posted : 25/06/2024 11:13 am
MoJo reacted