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Sirius Connections - Whales

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I am curious what the GFL has to say about connections to Sirius. I have a lot of dreams about Orcas/whales and assume it must be a sirius connection. Is there anything relevant at this time they have to say about it, or even strong connection to the ocean / sea animals? For people receiving dreams like that, how can we take it a step further to explore/strengthen the connection of whats already there?

Posted : 29/11/2023 6:52 am
Posts: 52
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Light Codes: 58

Whales? From what I know, Sirians belong to the 6th dimension. They're responsible with viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and, of course, integrating these beings' DNA in our DNA. Do not look down upon bacteria. 99,99% of the DNA that's present in our bodies belongs to bacteria. Can you imagine in what proportion the human DNA is deactivated since we need so many bacteria, just to live decently?

Posted : 29/11/2023 7:21 am
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Light Codes: 1006

@angelafigueroa I am curious too!

Posted : 04/12/2023 5:53 am