Rh negative blood type
Can you please ask the GFL about RH Negative Blood? The origin and any information regarding this blood group. Does this blood type hold a key to helping humanity? Spiritual gifts? Help during spiritual warfare?
Thank you!
@shellabella14 I've seen articles about abductees that were targeted because they were either O- or A-.
@shellabella14 I would also like to know! Don't know if you've seen this but its kinda interesting too: https://www.instagram.com/sarahbreskmancosme/reel/C0hFamctYrk/
@dlynn1125 do you mean abducted by et’s or in general gone missing?
@quinn Super interesting. I would love to know more about this blood group! Maybe because it’s such a big mystery it intrigues me more. Lol I read that the royals took their blood with them when they traveled incase of an emergency. I understood that as it is a rare blood type, but now learning more about the elites and different rituals they performed and so on I was curious was it really RH negative blood or just an excuse to bring blood with them while visiting other “elites” for odd rituals or whatever they do with it. And that so many celebrate are RH Negative, but they were sought out by the higher up elites? For what purpose? Most talent was “found” yet i believe in the theory they were sought out.
I had always thought people who were RH Negative were blessings from above that had a special angelic connection, psychic abilities and very charismatic and unique. So I guess I was a little bit disheartened to learn that so many leaders and celebrities are RH negative that don’t seem to carry the same traits as I had originally thought for RH Negative people. And watching the videos of people talking about pregnancy for an rh negative mother in such negative ways.
@shellabella14 DestinyBell I remember EA did a youtube video about blood types, but I don't remember exactly what she said. July 2021.
@shellabella14 YESSS!! So interesting. I didn't realize the royals carried blood w/them (makes sense). Oh wow yeah there could be any number of reasons for that now that you look beyond the veil right?!
I get what you're saying about the negative connections to RH but ... great darkness, great light. You know? Perhaps the cabal WOULD go after the higher light blood because it has more gifts. Its troubling that they can transmute it to their uses but...
@quinn Yes! Exactly! I feel deep the mystery of it is for some very important reason and my very big interest in this for a little over a year is for a reason. It unlocked quite a bit for me already. Actually looking back it seemed to really be the beginning of my “awakening” I’m curious about the shot given to an RH Negative pregnant mother during pregnancy and what it potential does to the fetus and now learning most babies come out with a positive blood type and then the mother has to receive it again to protect a potential miscarriage for future pregnancy. Are the “dimming” the mothers light? And potentially altering the babies DNA? It’s all so intriguing how no one questioned it for so many years, they used to do blood tests before marriages… now that the beginning of the veil has been lifted I’m sure so many are questioning their true motives to the shot.
@lighthealer_arkie thank you Arkie! I have watched this video a few times andjust watched it again I didn’t pick up exactly what I was looking for. Informative in a lot of other ways but not exactly what I have been searching for.
I am neg A. My older sister is neg A and my mom was neg a as well. My oldest sister is neg o. My mom got a bachelors degree in science and noted that the chances of having 3rh neg daughters was impossible. (Not with freaking alien crispr cloning though- lol-don’t get me started on the ‘you have a bunch of twin sisters and bros and kids’ conversation with another psychic.. Gary Spivey)
Also I was told I have royal blood, so always eager to learn more as it appears I have Christ blood as well (Mary Magdalene was married to him…what the heck is in all of us now?!)
And, parasite entities have been after me since I was about 5. Especially the reptilians, who get my blood and body when I am about to die. A blue GFL Sirian lady, Naomi, said they need our hormone flush blood for fetal development and as a drug, when I volunteered to just give a few pints and be on my way back to the earth ball farm. Sigh. And a lone star tick that was genetically modified to force us into becoming allergic to meat (gaba blocker) came after me when I flicked it away and not my neg o blood friend. (Why files -plum island episode on YT) the draconians were telepathically laughing about how they could get a better price for me from the reptilians when they delivered me because we tasted soooo much better. Grr. The I am God keeps saving me, so I can still complain. (The GFL said I can live because I gave my life to God and it doesn’t belong to me to give to the reptilianss so there. Hmph. But they still try to rub me out faster within the rules of the 5d treaty.)
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