Renegotiating the 5D treaty?
The 5 dimensional treaty was signed by world governments in the 40’s to let the custodians (reptilians) bring their space ships in and cull our population back to 2 million for the year of 2028, instead of becoming extinct.
where was the GFL? Why didn’t they help us or at least explain that no one goes ‘extinct’ on their watch. ( just discarded like waste to the parasite entities, crisper cloned and set back onto the planet surface to see if we are ‘good/spiritual enough’ to meet their qualifications for their ‘great reset’ human experiment? (Aren’t we like the 5th batch of humans bred up *at God’s directions because we are in his Sim’s game* since the Atlantis fiasco?!)
Is this why they have the ‘let the humans know the GFL exists by 2028’ ultimatum??
How does the treaty affect the timeline?
oh and I got a pic of Sasha if EA wants to use it, off YT. I believe it was related to the Donovan or Lilith Dread channels.
@leah I do not know a lot about the treaty. It definitely would be interesting and worthwhile to learn more, and, specifically, to have your questions answered.