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Oxygen/Methane/Life on Mars
Topic starter
- I’ve heard that they’ve found oxygen on Mars. As well as Methane and the remnants of war. Can you ask the GFL what happened to Mars (most recent in our timeline) and if they see a time when people (and/or aliens if they don’t already) will inhabit that planet again? How far out does that look like? Thank you EA🙏✨🧬💎
Posted : 27/08/2024 4:46 pm
elise ogrady and The High Heart reacted
@nataliemariekillick Definitely like the question. I would like to put my two cents in and extend the question. What other planets could be inhabited? Not today or tomorrow, but sometime in the future. I would like to learn more, especially from the Galactic Federation.
Posted : 28/08/2024 9:31 am
s0lw@rri0r88 reacted