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Light Codes: 722
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It seems a given the moon is hollow.  Why was it made like that?  What are the benefits of it being hollow? 

Posted : 28/11/2023 11:22 am
Posts: 52
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Light Codes: 72

Since the the beginning of our evolution on this planet, human civilizations have associated the Sun and the Moon with 2 - out of 3 in total - fundamental forces that govern the very mechanism of what we are. The Sun has been held as the embodiment of masculine, while the Moon as the embodiment of the feminine. In theory it is right, but the practicality of it is quite different. There is a missing planet in our solar system which is the true Moon. It is called Planet X, or Nibiru, by Americans and Chandra by Hindus. As you can see in the image, the rightful orbit of Nibiru is occupied by a belt of asteroids in our solar system. Because the planet has permanently ascended from 3D to 4D, Nibiru will return as a permanent planet gravitating our Sun. Each planet in our solar system corresponds to one aspect pertaining to the human mechanism. The list is as follows:

Earth - Rudra Granthi, Sun - Kurma Vayu/right Anahata/Surya, Nibiru - Naga Vayu/left Anahata/Chandra, Uranus - Devadatta Vayu/lower Anahata/Ketu, Neptune - Krikala Vayu/upper Anahata/Rahu, Mars - Samana Vayu/Manipura/Mangala, Jupiter - Prana Vayu/Vishuddhi/Brihaspati, Saturn - Udana Vayu/Svadhishthana/Shani, Mercury - Apana Vayu/Ajna/Budha, Moon - Vyana Vayu/Muladhara/No Hindu name ascribed, Venus - Dhananjaya Vayu/Sahasrar/Shukra, Pluto - Vishnu Granthi, Asteroid belts - Brahma Granthi

This post was modified 1 year ago by Maitreya
Posted : 28/11/2023 1:40 pm