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Mind control technology on the collective?

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 I feel inspired to address this via you Elizabeth, if the GFL or any being has permission to discuss.  Apparently it has been high technology off world and used from the Pyramids in Egypt with perhaps positive / negative influences upon humanity. Maybe part of this matrix para-dime in which our human collective is naive to a point of its existence or even if it now exists.  I am not just referring to the MK ultra Hollywood associations. Nor the world wide web psychological profiling on humans as a products of manipulation for the corporations that run our earth governments. Can GFL confirm and enlighten where. when, how this technology is being used on human consciousness in the collective and its reality in the now?  An explanation as simplistically as possible for us humans to understand and comprehend the entirety of what this technology actually does. How it has been used on humanity and the individual?  Can humans neutralize the effects  and or can they assist humanity in some way? Have there being long term side effects we should be concerned about, how do we move forward in the future regarding. 

Posted : 10/07/2023 11:56 pm
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Thank you for your questions!

Posted : 11/07/2023 12:06 am
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Yeah, interesting. So right away it's kinetic. Who is stepping in here answering these questions? So the first thing that he said is there has been an attempt to control.

The psyche, the energy, the free of the consciousness. Boom. OK, there has been an attempt to control the consciousness, the collective consciousness of humanity, since the dawning of humanity. This is the whole.

Shapeshifting reptilian agenda. Some Anarnaki are involved in it. Other Dracos, even other species like the Grays, like certain subspecies of Gray or you know, there's this huge kind of, you know, conspiracy that's really happening of these species that are not great, that want to control humanity because they are scared of the prophecy. OK, so he just going to confirm that and then he said, what did he say so.

They do have a device. It's kind of like what we were talking about with the the UFO over Las Vegas, like a frequency device, like a directed energy weapon, I guess you could call it. But this looked more like a satellite that would hit all of planet Earth. And basically Kinetic was talking about how this device.

Would like dull the masses. Like, it's kind of like and I don't know, like I'm not a psychologist, I don't know all the brain states, but it's like it would put us into like a Theta brain state or whatever. And I don't, I don't, I don't think that that's the right state that I'm talking about. But you know what? I'm talking like basically would put us into this very like compliant state because we're like the slaves, right.

So there has been many, many attempts to collectively control the planet, the planet, and our and our consciousness, or dull us, or make us compliant, or what have you. And the Galactic Federation, as an organization that aligns to universal truth and universal law, has had to shut down many of these attempts to control us.

Or manipulate us and our consciousness collectively. So then, so then Kinetic was saying that, Oh yeah, then they invented or came up with programming through the television and basically how TV and the certain flashes of TV.

You know, and the programming of TV kind of puts our minds or our brains into that state. So once again, so television was that program that they decided. And I said to kinetic, I said, well, why didn't you stop it? Like, you know, the Galactic Federation has stopped these other attempts, these prior attempts to brainwash humanity. I said, why didn't you guys stop television? And they said that we couldn't because it was still allowing us.

Free will and choice. It is humans. It is up to a human at an individual level to choose to participate in the program so that there was nothing that the Galactic Federation could do about it because it was not overriding any sort of universal law. And I'm like, oh damn, totally. I mean, that makes total sense. So then he said it's the same thing.

With food, he was talking about genetically modified food and then the pesticides or the poisons that are in our food. Once again, he's saying that it is up to us. It is our choice to choose to eat what kind of foods or to grow our own food. So there's nothing that the Galactic Federation can do about food.

And the poison that is going into our food supply, which is like I as a human being want to say, like, yo, that's bullshit. That's not right. And like, I don't know. I still think that the GFL needs to do something about that, but apparently they can't by law. So then my question just to kind of like push back on this whole like free will and like.

Brainwashing and whatever. So I guess like the bigger things they've put a stop to, but the smaller things are still going on and there's not much they can do about it. But my question to kinetic is like what about chem trails? Like I get the things like vaccines and non organic food or even just growing your food, you know, I get that those are all choices but.

Come on, like spraying the air with chemicals or heavy metals or even potentially nano particles. Like, that's not really, that's not a choice. Like, it's not our choice to breathe the air around us. And it is so sad that no matter where you go, you see these things in the sky. I don't know. I don't know. Like, I just want to get his opinion. Like, that's not right. That's not OK Like, how?

That's not a choice that we're making. I don't know. Yeah.

And then I'll see if there's anything else that he wants to mention.

About kind of a collective brain control or programming or like manipulation that's going on. So one second.



Posted : 13/07/2023 3:06 am