Killer Whale Behavior??
There has been some strange behavior amongst Orcas that is being reported on the news lately where experts can’t explain what is going on. One news reporting is groups of killer whales attacking ships and terrorizing people. Another recently reported 30 Orcas on the coast of Monterey Bay splashing around in large groups. The experts say they have never seen this behavior before and can’t explain it. I know marine life is dwindling and there are other external factors that are affecting and imposing on these animal’s habitat. It may seem like they are trying to gain attention but was wondering what is the message behind this and if the GFL can explain what is going on at a bigger level?
I wonder if it has to do with the latest Geoengineering technologies. Check out " Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1)" which reportedly transmits 45000 x 200 watts, which reportedly transmits a large amount of power many thousands of miles away into one point of space. It is mind boggling... ionospheric heaters...