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how to keep our vibration high in the presence of chemtrails.

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In July's episode they said they can't intervene to stop chemtrails. Can they at least teach us how to keep our vibration high, while inhaling these chemicals? Because it's like our vibration is instantly falling very low in the presence of the chemtrails, making us instantly feel emotionally and physically sick. Thank you (them).  Sofia - Chryssanthi 

Posted : 26/07/2023 12:32 am
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@chryssanthi Hey. I can share what I know. Maybe someone else has something more? A couple things. The GFL is mitigating a lot of these actions to prevent them for significantly impacting the population. There is more than just chemtrails unfortunately. But on the chemtrail or "cloud seeding" topics, the GFL fly's craft behind the chemtrails to neutralize their effects. I'll post a video here where you can see it visually. This particular craft is expelling a counter agent from its rear trajectory. Time stamp 2:55 is where you'll see the effect that I'm referring too.  

This particular craft in the video is showing off for the camera but when they are executing a mission that trail is super large. Like 10x's the size of what you see in the video. If you see a super large streak in the sky its typically the benevolent ET craft deploying counter agents. They do similar things under the ocean. The GFL is constantly removing radiation and purifying the planet from all the damage that's being caused daily. I wouldn't be too concerned with chemtrails because the GFL has that covered for the most part. Especially over heavily populated areas. 

Let's talk some other precautionary measures though. There is EMF or "directed energy weapons" that are deployed quite regularly against the population. Trying to lower the collective vibration. Shungite is a great tool to mitigate those effects. I wear shungite around my neck in a pendulum holder. I have adhesive backed shungite attached to every piece of electronics that I have. Phone, laptop, ipad, TV, Xbox, wifi router etc. You can get 12 -24 packs on amazon. You just peal the back and stick them on whatever. The goal would be to have enough shungite spread out through the house and on your person that the shungite will absorb any EMF or radiation. There are artificial magnetic field generators that you can get as well that will protect your energy field. Magnetic Pulsers are what they are commonly called. Museum of Tarot have sold them in the past. You can put an artificial magnetic field around you at 7.8HZ and it'll prevent energies coming into your field and it prevents your energy for leaving the field. I don't wear mine as much as I used to because it blocks energy exchanges during meditation, and it can block energy work. It protects you though but so does shungite so it's a balance. We don't want to start handicapping ourselves energetically too much when trying apply these protective measures. We can keep our vibration higher by focusing our attention on Love and Gratitude. Those emotional states are very high vibrational so if we can think of things or people that we love or that we are grateful for that can help bump us back up into a higher vibrational state.

Also healing and activations help raise our vibration. As we remove attachments, blockages and activate our DNA, chakras, merkabah etc. our vibration skyrockets. We'll vibrate at a high enough level way above the lower 4th astral plane to avoid a lot of the things that can affect or vibration negatively. Hope this helps a little. We can go into more detail on whatever. 🙂

Posted : 26/07/2023 8:55 am
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@chryssanthi Thank you for posting your questions!

This post was modified 8 months ago by Lyn
Posted : 26/07/2023 10:52 pm
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@chryssanthi Big news. Our manifesting powers on stopping the chemtrails, along with the aid of some White Hats have helped! Eight States are banning chemtrails! This is a good start!

Posted : 13/05/2024 11:52 am
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@chryssanthi Awesome question.

Posted : 18/05/2024 10:44 am