Glossolalia, languages, accents & speaking in tongues?
GLOSSOLALIA & Foreign Accent Syndrome: I've always wanted to know what was the truth about both these phenomena - I have read that sometimes people can actually speak another language after a medical episode or shock ... I personally chanted in a language I didn't know during a Native American ceremony in a 'Sound Chamber' in the UK many years ago, & everyone there joined in - we discussed this afterwards but did not have any explanation for what happened ... I would love to know more about these experiences.
“Foreign Accent Syndrome is a rare disorder where a person's speech takes on an accent different from their usual one. It can occur after trauma to the brain such as a stroke or disease.”
“ … but can also develop from head trauma, migraines or developmental problems. The condition might occur due to lesions in the speech production network of the brain, or may also be considered a neuropsychiatric condition. The condition was first reported in 1907….”
“Speaking in tongues, also known as glossolalia, is an activity or practice in which people utter words or speech-like sounds, often thought by believers to be languages unknown to the speaker. One definition used by linguists is the fluid vocalizing of speech-like syllables that lack any readily comprehendible meaning.”