Free Energy / Zero Point Energy
How is zero point energy created?
In times past there have been many people who have created free energy technologies (most famous one would be Nikola Tesla). But most of them are in this sort of Inventor Syndrome where they can't release the full information on how to create it to the public in order to make more profit. They always think they are the first to do it so they try to go through the patenting process then end up being killed. They had no clue what they were up against. If we were to learn from the past we would get out of this inventor syndrome and release the whole information to the public. Doing it this way would make it extremely difficult for the powers that were to suppress it at that point and eventually it would make its way into more mainstream science. Can you please get this information more out there, its needed more than ever.
Elias, if you have time to help me, that would speed up a process, which will eventually result in what you're asking for.
@someemailiguessthat this machine is open source & provides free energy & non pollution it turns pollution into oxygen & nuclear waste also . ball lightning creates matter just like a recipe.
watch our world changing plasma research video about the pyramid machine...