Extra dimensional ‘s
Do any other species besides humans have to work out to stay healthy?
Excellent Question. The annunaki were insecure, arrogantly spoon fed so that they did NOTHING for themselves. They engaged in NO physical activity to make them big and buff.
And I don't believe the gravity on Nibiru is such to make this weaklings into buff bodies. Or that that they are so buff be wise of size to gravity ratios on earth
So how and why were the Annunaki in such great shape? Think Dwayne Johnson. But instead of taking a 50 chemical concoction, the annunaki manipulated their dna to look like more than what they were.. they were the original Kardashian consciousness - completely Empty, an image of glamming for their own arrogance
@lovely Just wanted to say I like the question. I would love to hear from the Galactic Federation on this.