Earth & the human b...
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Earth & the human body

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If we as humans are small versions of the universe and we want to find ways to restore health to Earth….wouldn’t creating balance within ourselves essentially allow Earth to match the collective frequency of humanity and allow her balance to heal herself and prevent future issues? 

If we can create an energetic frequency of healing on a spiritual level, wouldn’t that physical try to match the spiritual and help push humans/Earth into a Healthier physical reality? 

Posted : 08/02/2024 12:10 pm
Posts: 1050
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@katelynlawrence Beautiful perfect question and you're already answering it yourself. Balance , healing, peace, love on the inside,  will give the same on the outside world. But future issues are not all to be prevented, some are necessary and contracted as a means to learn and grow. If only we can receive them with Unconditional Love and look at them objectively.

Posted : 08/02/2024 1:22 pm