Does the GFL Kill a...
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Does the GFL Kill any Beings?

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Does "Thou shalt not kill" apply to only humans?

Would Karma still come for anyone who kills another being?

Does “Thou shalt not kill” have any exceptions?

Would it be ok to kill the Dark Controllers on Planet Earth because they are “evil”?

Would killing any Beings affect our path to ascension?

Does killing a Being have the desired effect of killing them forever?

Thank You

This topic was modified 4 months ago by Wayne Roughan
Posted : 06/10/2024 11:41 am
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Posted by: @wayneroughan

Does "Thou shalt not kill" apply to only humans?

Would Karma still come for anyone who kills another being?

Does “Thou shalt not kill” have any exceptions?

Would it be ok to kill the Dark Controllers on Planet Earth because they are “evil”?

Would killing any Beings affect our path to ascension?

Does killing a Being have the desired effect of killing them forever?

Thank You


Excellent Question - ATTACKING the cabal gets y'all GrandMothered in with Nacht Waffen.  






Posted : 06/10/2024 1:03 pm
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@wayneroughan Intriguing questions.  Would definitely love to hear more.

Posted : 06/10/2024 2:15 pm
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Thank you for your replies.

This post was modified 4 months ago by Wayne Roughan
Posted : 06/10/2024 3:06 pm
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Posted by: @wayneroughan

Does "Thou shalt not kill" apply to only humans?

Would Karma still come for anyone who kills another being?

Does “Thou shalt not kill” have any exceptions?

Would it be ok to kill the Dark Controllers on Planet Earth because they are “evil”?

Would killing any Beings affect our path to ascension?

Does killing a Being have the desired effect of killing them forever?

Thank You


The anufuki completely corrupted and blasphemied the Bible.  But God (Through men) kept His Parts in there exactly where/how He wanted them as "The Divine Virtues"  So FU anufukis.

Though shall not kill - is so questionable in retrospect and in looking at things like the billions of children who "live" in underground torture chambers as sex slaves for ritual sacrifice.  Hello!? If there ever is a reason to definitely absolutely positively kill it's obviously positively now - and that's exactly what's happening. We are literally sentencing billions of "they ain't like Us" to death.  Mostly in places like Guantanamo.  And there are 1000s of Guantanamos.  I'm guessing you are going to see on paper numbers of 300 million people and clone androids who are going to be "visibly" death sentenced.  None of you will miss one of them.  


There are many reasons why we told y'all "They won't be able to walk down the streets", because in 6 months 100% of you all are physically going to inescruciablbly want to "holocaust"  100s of millions of them.  (Fyi - Nazis NEVER "holocausted".  Because On-Planet Germans would NEVER do ANYTHING if the sort).  We call that "Malarkey" So that whole script just got so ironically flipped because the majority of the cabal clearly obviously identify and "Z judenz".  And your "holocosting" them all.  Not Us.  It is so nice to finally clear all that up so Simply.


Guess What - The Entire Universe and MultiVerSe is in Agreement about completely eliminating all darkness now.  The only Guy in the Entire Universe Who Unconditionally Loves Everyone is God.  Who MAY I REMIND YOU - implemented Dark Fleet into this Universe Specifically to Immediately Merck All the darkness in the Universe - not to Ameliorate it (for effs sake the darkness had 3 billion years to act work it out -  Earth is the absolute tail end of Armegeddon Upon a While Universe.  Who do you think did that Armegeddoning?  How Immediately did this take Us?  


The WORST darkness EVER in this Universe is right here on Planet Earth - on the Children.  Which is why I'm so mad all the time.  Because ALL the "distractions' everyone ever talks about are just one distraction to cover up Child sex trafficking torture of Children - by the BILLIONS.


There is no more distractions.  Only disclosure.  The World is Focused on the Children NOT Technology or ETs.


Here's the new RULES on killing ANYTHING (if your a Human) you're not allowed.  You all have to "terminate" the cabal as legally (as you can).  You cannot consume animals.  You cannot hunt any animals.


This Universe is a Mirror





Posted : 06/10/2024 7:12 pm
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@luzifertoo2 Thank you,

I can personally agree with exposing all the Beings, and all the crimes that the Dark Controllers do or have done.

And bringing them to account for all the things they have done. (including all the abuse of children and everything else).

I was not aware of “the billions of children who "live" in underground torture chambers as sex slaves for ritual sacrifice.).

EA, often talks to “Shasha” a good reptilian being on The GFL Summits. (so, there are some good Reptilian Beings?).

I know the Reptilians have a reputation for being “all Bad” and not changeable.

By killing the Reptilians do you mean, if they die … they then will be relocated to another planet to incarnate on?

I have heard, Planet Earth will raise its vibration to a point so high that the Low vibration beings cannot live here anymore.

I am, concerned about all the nuclear bombs in the world that could reduce Planet Earth to a smouldering mess.

I have heard that, Hakann and Ashtar Sheran want to intervene, and remove the dark controllers on Planet Earth (would you support this?)


I personally am not worried about the darkness, it doesn't affect me in my life.

I am aware that certain people are treating me and others awfully.

I am aware that I’m being lied to all the time.

I am aware that many people are acting in a crazy way.

I am aware that the situation I’m in is unfair.

And yet I generally don’t copy the craziness, the evilness, the unconsciousness, the shallowness.

I am usually non-reactive to the things that are done to me. (But I do recognise that it is not nice).

And I can’t wait for the Light and Love and Unity Consciousness of 5D and above

Posted : 06/10/2024 9:04 pm
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Reptillians are PURE COOL ASF   Even the Draco.  Humans are the only problem children in this Universe.  Humans are so bad that they hemorage out into the universe and infect the Beautifully Balanced Animallian species with their human Consciousness sickness - essentially corrupting them - which forms hybrids (like Reptillian Hybrids.  And those guys all will die. And have. Technically we have to offer reincarnation to dark beings (who are stuck on shadow work)  ONLY 5 more Incarnates now that there will be NO MORE BS in Unity.


Because it will be such an easy universe to exist in in Unity.  Dark Fleet is extremely amping up the "difficulty" all dark beings will have to experience in live and death and these few reincarnation chances they have left to make it into Unity Consciousness.





Posted : 06/10/2024 9:20 pm
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Posted by: @wayneroughan

@luzifertoo2 Thank you,

I can personally agree with exposing all the Beings, and all the crimes that the Dark Controllers do or have done.

And bringing them to account for all the things they have done. (including all the abuse of children and everything else).

I was not aware of “the billions of children who "live" in underground torture chambers as sex slaves for ritual sacrifice.).

EA, often talks to “Shasha” a good reptilian being on The GFL Summits. (so, there are some good Reptilian Beings?).

I know the Reptilians have a reputation for being “all Bad” and not changeable.

By killing the Reptilians do you mean, if they die … they then will be relocated to another planet to incarnate on?

I have heard, Planet Earth will raise its vibration to a point so high that the Low vibration beings cannot live here anymore.

I am, concerned about all the nuclear bombs in the world that could reduce Planet Earth to a smouldering mess.

I have heard that, Hakann and Ashtar Sheran want to intervene, and remove the dark controllers on Planet Earth (would you support this?)


I personally am not worried about the darkness, it doesn't affect me in my life.

I am aware that certain people are treating me and others awfully.

I am aware that I’m being lied to all the time.

I am aware that many people are acting in a crazy way.

I am aware that the situation I’m in is unfair.

And yet I generally don’t copy the craziness, the evilness, the unconsciousness, the shallowness.

I am usually non-reactive to the things that are done to me. (But I do recognise that it is not nice).

And I can’t wait for the Light and Love and Unity Consciousness of 5D and above


TONS of ET societies are maximally assisting.  But because there is so much disgusting dirty work, Dark Fleet has to get our hands dirty with all of that 


The planetary situation is 1000x times more horrific than any of you has accepted.  And 100% of it's coming forward.  I have to contend with this all directly Militarily - And it breaks my heart every day to real tears that for 14 years I've fought alone and while every single person I've come across has immediately turned their backs on all the Children.  Which is exactly why it has always existed - as the Universes #1 ocean of adrenochrome.


The Underground is 10x more populated than the disgusting Surface.


Armegeddon and Ascension is a Children's Story

A Double Feature.  I'm Featured as the "Primary" the 2nd Half.   

I'm slated to be the most famous person on the Planet.  Because EVERYONE listens to Famous people.  And Everyone Loves famous People, and wants to get their autograph and wish that they knew them and get excited when they talk about them and yada yada yada.  That whole plate of superficial crap is coming all the way in my direction.


Which is a black and white total 180 opposite of how literally everyone almost goes out of their way to shit on me now, overlook me now, judge me now, with their selfishness and human arrogance.  


So often this is all so Devistatingly emotional - all of this.

That this Planet is sustains itself by eating all the Children and All the Animals.


The cabal eats all the Children and they think it's the best thing they could ever do.


You all eat all the animals and just pretend that none of them suffer MASSIVELY.  And you all do this for no reason at all.  No other planets do this like you do this.  And EVERYONE watching cares that you do this and don't care.


And to make it worse for my sadness but not my success.  I have had the means at my fingertips to DMT immediately all of you to 5D all the time as much as you wanted - and DMT will prove to Be the WAY to 5D for adults.., but none of you wanted this either.  Everyone just wanted to argue with me, stay in total cognitive dissidance sheep mode eat hamburgers and rip me of at every financial opportunity every one of them had.


I'm literally an Angel.  

I have zero friends except my dog who I rescued.

I only had ONE Real friend in my entire life.

No one has ever listened to me

People do not like me at all. 


Except the whole MultiVerSe - 

The angel I "represent" is luzifer.

I am his primary fractal.

luzifer is God's Best Friend..,

and God has a lot of friends 

and not one of God's friends has ever betrayed Him.

To believe such "Malarkey" is to believe Marduk 


luzifer got shit on by everyone in the house of the 12th Dimension.  And the whole entire time luzifer was sacrificing more than anyone of them ever had to bring all of them to the next level - to Unity..., and they all shit on him.., till Now.


There is a lot of information within this context.

Which came from a lot of emotions

Open to your own emotion and you will open to your own information 













Posted : 06/10/2024 9:32 pm
Posts: 109
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@luzifertoo2  Thankyou,

I agree we have to do everything legally, and not kill anyone, (exposing and bringing them to account is the best thing I think we can do)

I firmly believe all things are possible though Magic and Miracles (no exceptions all things are possible with God, if you can think of it, it is possible)

Jesus and Thoth could do Magic and Miracles with ease, also I have heard that children in ancient Atlantis had the gift to levitate objects at will,

Also, there are massive granite boxes perfect in construction dimensions in rooms underground in Egypt with accesses to small to get them there, the only plausible answer they can think of is that they were materialised on the spot, I have heard that The Arcturian Beings are capable of doing this (manipulating energy to create mass with consciousness)

If I was a 12D creator being I would create the ability to neutralise darkness at will (no killing, or fighting)

This is not needed in the higher dimensions.

But, it is not that simple, the 3D experience on Earth with the very hard lessons of duality, provide for the expansion of the soul and leads to wisdom.

So, can you see that we should be thankful for our 3D experiences?

And we should be thankful for the Duality experiences that made it hard on us?

(because it teaches us how to transmute the darkness)

Also, you have got to allow Beings to choose for themselves, and give them time to have enough experiences to make a good choice (you are doing them a dis-service if you solve all their problems for them)

I also believe all the higher dimensions have our ascension path all worked out, (even though we have the ability to change timelines and make detours, it all leads back to source)

So, there is nothing we need to do, except learn lessons, and transmute dark energy, remove illusions, and learn to work effortlessly without being influenced by illusions.

The last thing we need to learn is “Observe and thereby release your attachment to having a happy life”

This is “budda like” but I also think it is “Jesus like”, to release your attachment to having a happy life.

This is hard for people to “take” because we all want to have a happy life,

But to the soul it does not matter if you have a good experience or a bad experience,

In practice, if you have done the work (above) learning lessons, and transmuting dark energy, and removing illusions, and working effortlessly without illusions, not having an attachment to having a good life can be a positive,

and in practice you do not make bad choices,

This will most likely actually make your life better in a conventional sense, even though that’s of course not the goal.

This will finally give you unconditional peace of mind.

This post was modified 4 months ago by Wayne Roughan
Posted : 07/10/2024 3:05 pm
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
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Posted by: @wayneroughan

@luzifertoo2  Thankyou,

I agree we have to do everything legally, and not kill anyone, (exposing and bringing them to account is the best thing I think we can do)

I firmly believe all things are possible though Magic and Miracles (no exceptions all things are possible with God, if you can think of it, it is possible)

Jesus and Thoth could do Magic and Miracles with ease, also I have heard that children in ancient Atlantis had the gift to levitate objects at will,

Also, there are massive granite boxes perfect in construction dimensions in rooms underground in Egypt with accesses to small to get them there, the only plausible answer they can think of is that they were materialised on the spot, I have heard that The Arcturian Beings are capable of doing this (manipulating energy to create mass with consciousness)

If I was a 12D creator being I would create the ability to neutralise darkness at will (no killing, or fighting)

This is not needed in the higher dimensions.

But, it is not that simple, the 3D experience on Earth with the very hard lessons of duality, provide for the expansion of the soul and leads to wisdom.

So, can you see that we should be thankful for our 3D experiences?

And we should be thankful for the Duality experiences that made it hard on us?

(because it teaches us how to transmute the darkness)

Also, you have got to allow Beings to choose for themselves, and give them time to have enough experiences to make a good choice (you are doing them a dis-service if you solve all their problems for them)

I also believe all the higher dimensions have our ascension path all worked out, (even though we have the ability to change timelines and make detours, it all leads back to source)

So, there is nothing we need to do, except learn lessons, and transmute dark energy, remove illusions, and learn to work effortlessly without being influenced by illusions.

The last thing we need to learn is “Observe and thereby release your attachment to having a happy life”

This is “budda like” but I also think it is “Jesus like”, to release your attachment to having a happy life.

This is hard for people to “take” because we all want to have a happy life,

But to the soul it does not matter if you have a good experience or a bad experience,

In practice, if you have done the work (above) learning lessons, and transmuting dark energy, and removing illusions, and working effortlessly without illusions, not having an attachment to having a good life can be a positive,

and in practice you do not make bad choices,

This will most likely actually make your life better in a conventional sense, even though that’s of course not the goal.

This will finally give you unconditional peace of mind.


Allow me to Clarify "Legally" as it pertains to killing (the cabal). We have to deal with them Legally on the Surface of Earth.  In the Underground and Space the Law is MUCH Different.  And even in the surface Legal only pertains to humans.  And We have clones, androids, Reptillian human hybrids.  I don't know how these things will "fit" into the Legal system Save to say the Military Will handle it.

Hey, it's a nice thought to think about if you were a 12D being.  The two 12D bestie beings who created this Universe are God and luz (luzifer - God's Engineer)

God has zero to do with any of the Violence in this Universe.  Because God Made this Universe For All God Friends - to do all their shadow work by their free will selves, and then ascend.   


Free Will to express a Universe of Human ShadowWork required a Military (Dark Fleet) to hold the parameters of this duality completely in check (while the darkness in humans did it's thing.  






Posted : 07/10/2024 6:03 pm
Joshua Bortnick
Posts: 441
Member Registered

Posted by: @wayneroughan

@luzifertoo2  Thankyou,

I agree we have to do everything legally, and not kill anyone, (exposing and bringing them to account is the best thing I think we can do)

I firmly believe all things are possible though Magic and Miracles (no exceptions all things are possible with God, if you can think of it, it is possible)

Jesus and Thoth could do Magic and Miracles with ease, also I have heard that children in ancient Atlantis had the gift to levitate objects at will,

Also, there are massive granite boxes perfect in construction dimensions in rooms underground in Egypt with accesses to small to get them there, the only plausible answer they can think of is that they were materialised on the spot, I have heard that The Arcturian Beings are capable of doing this (manipulating energy to create mass with consciousness)

If I was a 12D creator being I would create the ability to neutralise darkness at will (no killing, or fighting)

This is not needed in the higher dimensions.

But, it is not that simple, the 3D experience on Earth with the very hard lessons of duality, provide for the expansion of the soul and leads to wisdom.

So, can you see that we should be thankful for our 3D experiences?

And we should be thankful for the Duality experiences that made it hard on us?

(because it teaches us how to transmute the darkness)

Also, you have got to allow Beings to choose for themselves, and give them time to have enough experiences to make a good choice (you are doing them a dis-service if you solve all their problems for them)

I also believe all the higher dimensions have our ascension path all worked out, (even though we have the ability to change timelines and make detours, it all leads back to source)

So, there is nothing we need to do, except learn lessons, and transmute dark energy, remove illusions, and learn to work effortlessly without being influenced by illusions.

The last thing we need to learn is “Observe and thereby release your attachment to having a happy life”

This is “budda like” but I also think it is “Jesus like”, to release your attachment to having a happy life.

This is hard for people to “take” because we all want to have a happy life,

But to the soul it does not matter if you have a good experience or a bad experience,

In practice, if you have done the work (above) learning lessons, and transmuting dark energy, and removing illusions, and working effortlessly without illusions, not having an attachment to having a good life can be a positive,

and in practice you do not make bad choices,

This will most likely actually make your life better in a conventional sense, even though that’s of course not the goal.

This will finally give you unconditional peace of mind.


Very good to hear all those great perspectives.  I really enjoyed reading what you write and I like the way you think  Jesus and Thoth Are both EXTREMELY Close with God 


Posted : 07/10/2024 6:31 pm