Do we exit at all
In metaphysics there is a theory that form does not exist. Time does not exit and space does not exist. The idea is we are a ray from the source. That would say we are not two only but one. That says ultimately there is a single source dreaming multiple dreams. It says existence is not from body to mind but from mind to body. What you say?
I’m new here, maybe Elizabeth has 6 books and 100 blogs on this but I’d love to know what the Federation says about metaphysics. Do they agree we don’t ultimately exist. I mean we think we do and need to continue acting as we do or go mad. It would be like we are living in a novel, or movie. Eventually the story will end. Billions of years you say but that’s just a function of how fast or slow our mind runs. Quantum theory says everything was created at time zero. That all form appeared in a quantum flash. Even Eisenstein said time is an illusion. It is possible that everything that was has ended and we are just viewing what was not. Learning I suspect. The source learning it’s perfection.